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Everything posted by BeardyWilderness

  1. Bro it was nearly 15 years since the last comment šŸ˜‚
  2. You seriously say some of the dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever read on this forum. It baffles me how youā€™re an enabler for AI imposters (that the band also did not endorse) but this really upsets you. This looks like something Geki would post. I donā€™t understand why you have such a vendetta against tribute bands, just donā€™t fucking watch them if you donā€™t like them and get on with your life. People still want to connect with the music live. Linkin Park havenā€™t performed live since 2017, 7 years nearly. Why should fans not be allowed to go to a concert to see someone perform their favourite songs, especially when they know exactly what theyā€™re getting? you keep calling them ā€œimpostersā€ but they advertise VERY clearly they are a tribute/cover band. They never say they ARE Linkin Park or their members, they never try to convince you they are. Itā€™s an act, and every single person that walks into that concert hall knows that.
  3. Numb was started and finished so quick it probably never had a working title
  4. this isnā€™t what a holy grail is holmes
  5. I personally donā€™t think it is, and would love Funkos. I think people have a hard time getting over the fact that itā€™s Chester possibly being animated and can be shot/killed.
  6. If youā€™re referring to me, itā€™s hardly white-knighting. Itā€™s a moral debate.
  7. then why upload them? Why not make them for your own pleasure? because you want the clicky clicks.
  8. Donā€™t act like you donā€™t know. There is no chance in the world youā€™re not aware of what youā€™re doing - using Chesterā€˜s voice for clicks/views.
  9. I think there is absolutely ZERO difference. Youā€™re both taking advantage of someone who is dead. Itā€™s trashy on both accounts.
  10. Financial gain isnā€™t the threshold for morality. Youā€™re still using a dead manā€™s voice when he can no longer consent to it. if I hosted deepfake porn of your relatives for free, does that make it okay?
  11. Says the guy that uses Chesterā€™s voice in AI tracks šŸøā˜•ļø
  12. If they went any longer fans would moan it ā€˜draggedā€™ on.
  13. How hilarious would it be if QWERTY is their new single after FF?
  14. A couple of weeks ago we didnā€™t even know something was coming. Cope.
  15. this. ALITS feels carefully crafted, and itā€™s just an absolute beast.
  16. ohh yeah THAT Minutes to Midnight leak šŸ˜‚
  17. and where can you spend these reputation points? Can we all just agree as adults not to update Genius the second we have the slightest whiff of unconfirmed information? There is zero rhyme or reason to put things we donā€™t actually know on there. There is no reward/award for having a water droplet of ā€˜insider informationā€™ - itā€™s not a flex, itā€™s a bit weird, and it misleads other fans of the music. Itā€™s not a show of knowledge, itā€™s evidence of a lack thereof.
  18. but why? For what reason? What does anyone gain from it?
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