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About andreconde

  • Birthday 10/20/1994

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  1. Man, the world is not only LP, there is so much good music out there
  2. According to the twitter account @mikeshinodaclan, Mike said the intro is a recording of a random guy selling bootlegs lol
  3. I know that is too early, but I would like to hear what you wanted Linkin Park to do in the future, or at least what you expect that they are going to do. A more organic sound? Explore a more progressive sound? ...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMYjD3L_1-Q...player_embedded It looks like that the game will not only feature CASTLE OF GLASS, it will also feature music composed by Mike Shinoda.
  5. Really interesting, and I think that you have the same thing that I have in my mind... maybe a new song?
  6. Thank You very much man
  7. Hi, I just have a doubt... is it possible to change the way that the posts are? To me, they are showed as a list, and I don't like that. Sorry if I am being a noob x]
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