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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. We now know LPU8 CD tracklist and there are no demos at all. Topic closed.
  2. I wonder how do you know that it's from that exact show. Maybe you compared clips with AUD DVD... Did you?
  3. Do you often say Chester and Linkin Park? Then why do you say Eminem 'AND' D12?
  4. Did LP have mics when they were on stage with DP? Did they sing anything? Did all the members of all those 3 bands came out on OSC?
  5. I edited first post with new feats. Who can tell me of the collaborations with Busta? Was there a time when he was alone with LP on the stage, or there was someone else from his band on the stage all the time playing some instrument? We need all available combinations. Who was there on that secret performance besides Busta?
  6. Yeah. Each one costs $24.97 + shipping at least 15$ to Ukraine.... No way I'm buying any of them
  7. The reason is that nobody buys that MTM SFP and they decided to sell it somehow. Why US only? Dunno. Stupid IMO. For the rest world outside of US it's $89.95+ $19.95 + Crazy Shipping rates.
  8. U.S. only as always... At least no shipping to Ukraine, Germany, or U.K. And fuck, I payed 90$ or 100$ (don't remember already) for MTM too....
  9. Who knows how much does that LPU8 Pack cost in Best Buy?
  10. It seems to me that it was just a random fan from the crowd... Maybe I just don't know how that Evidence looks like, but Chester took him from the crowd. Where exactly in the set was it played? Looks like you are right about this one. Not sure if it is his name, but how else would I find out that? Yeah, I was going to add that, but wasn't sure about it. These 3 are for sure.. Forgot about them.
  11. New rule is about the links to the media files. It's #6 out there.
  12. Forum's Rules And Regulations have been updated with one new Rule. Please read them carefully, because from now on, everybody who will ignore this new rule will be warned accordingly to how it's written in that rule.
  13. Yeah.. My friend who sent it to me, told me that it could be from LPTV. I watched them long ago, and forgot about it for sure...
  14. There is no such thing as Making of Meteora CD, there is DVD. And you can buy it here if you want - http://bandmerch.seenon.com/detail.php?p=2...linkinpark-dvds I got it from there too, btw.
  15. Maybe we're not ideal about it. DSPs is something that nobody else can get. LPU stuff is exclusive to LPU members. And it's definitely not the thing that should be shared freely. Maybe we should not allow anyone to post links to any stuff that can be bought on the CDs. I would talk about it with Mark.
  16. Well said! Best post from my POV in this thread, lol.
  17. http://www.megaupload.com/ru/?d=5PBG57PI Can someone explain to me WTF is this? Is this Chester? Where is it from, if it is him?
  18. Mr. Brain?

    Nice avatar, btw!

  19. And what's this, by the way?
  20. Good job! Thanks for continuing my work, after I went to bed.
  21. I warned you 2 times! Now all your posts have to be approved by moders first.
  22. I told you that I meant to say another thing. You misunderstood me. I meant to say to go to another sites that share LPU media, not to the LPU MB. And even in that case it would be better, because LPU MB is for LPU members only. And if somebody will upload tracks there, it will stay between LPU members.
  23. I meant: Who supports illegal media sharing, especially LPU media.
  24. STOP POSTING LINKS, GUYS! AND STOP ASKING TO UPLOAD THE SONGS! Or I will add warnings to everybody who won't do it! Go to any other website which supports illegal media sharing, especially LPU media, and download it there. You still may talk about it here, but no links and asking to upload anything.
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