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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. Awesome! I'm gonna watch definitely!! Someone needs to get ready to rip the stream Skype chat, anyone?
  2. http://lplive.net/shows/20070707.php Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (BS hi) Time: 66:51 mins Format: DVD M / 4.02 GB Comments: NTSC. Widescreen. 'One Step Closer' is missing. Break is cut. Contains an inteview with Chester and Phoenix.
  3. Yeah, there definitely was such a bundle, if I'm not mistaken sold in GB.
  4. Awesome! I love our live related Lists of All...
  5. One dude is selling his MTM Super Fan Sealed for $300, lol. He's selling this version: http://hangout.altsounds.com/news/104011-l...s-midnight.html Which was even more limited edition. Not sure, if he's selling bundle, or MTM only. If anyone's interested I can ask.
  6. I've heard few times already about "guaranteed" Meet&Greets for some members. What are those? Is it official? What are/were the conditions to get it?
  7. Holy crap, here it is... Why in the hell didn't I think of Wayback machine on my own?
  8. I wonder if anyone remembers banners that we had for advertisment, of different size. That was long time ago. I used to have it in my signature for a long time. I have lost it and don't have a copy of it. Neither does the author of banners. And I haven't seen anyone having a copy of them Such a pity. I really like one of them taht was in my sig.
  9. I also have a question: how do Meet&Greets look like now? When I was @ M&G in 2007 there was all band members sitting at the table and signing stuff. No photos with band. After that I read that system was changed: less band members, more time with them, less people, photos with band members. Later Summits started: whole different experience. How exactly do M&G look like now? How many people approximately attend them at each show on average? How does picking process work? Is it totally random? or newcomers have more chances against those who were at M&G before?
  10. Russian version with a shop... lol
  11. Awesome! Finally such site is working again. I hope this time - it will last longer than previous sites. Who is working behind this except you, michalangelo?
  12. For some reason code did not work for me...
  13. ROFL.. Still watching it on UStream... It's hilarious, I love this show. Too bad we don't have anything so funny and great on our radio.
  14. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/21931271 is this the video?
  15. I need visa to go to Romania.
  16. Ukraine, Russia have the same issue.
  17. Ok, worked out in Chrome. Still not working in Firefox.. Well, who cares.
  18. I definitely remember one guy selling MTM SF in our LP collector's group on vk.com, but I can't find his post anymore. Probably sold it already. There's only A Thousand Suns Deluxe Fan Edition Box Set for $125 now.
  19. WTF? Whenever I click Pre-order I get to http://smarturl.it/sociallp, which is redirected to http://livingthings.linkinpark.com/ which is redirected to http://www.linkinpark.com/ which is redirected to http://burnitdown.linkinpark.com/ again.
  20. Lol, probably yes. On a side note - list of all officially released live songs needs to be updates with the new iTunes BID single.
  21. Added Promo video to the main post.
  22. Wow, I wonder why we have not so many comments yet... Anyway - great song. Awesome artwork! Really like the artwork. For some reason it reminds me of Crysis game.
  23. No, I was talking about a show like this, for a TV.
  24. Didn't we accuse Linkin Park of lip syncing at one of such performances a while back?
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