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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. Do we have a way to contact Mark Fiore and ask him for Snax tour dates? He said that he has a log of all shows they played, or something like that.
  2. Here you go: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopi...st&p=207683 And, btw, WTH? You already asked for it, and I replied you there.
  3. Great thread! I am always struggling to come up with questions for band members. We have to think of something for Fiore too, as his chat is soon.
  4. Dunno, for some reason, the app says that my device is not supported, even though Galaxy SII and newer is listed on site under supported devices, and I have both SGS2 and SGS4 Active, and none of them work.
  5. Anyone has a spare copy for normal price?
  6. Linkin Park confirmed the show via Twitter. https://twitter.com/linkinpark/status/422811701377908736
  7. Ok, I added some of these guests, but I did not add those shows where Chester and Mike joined Steve, as it was not actually a Linkin Park feat. Steve. I'm not 100% positive about Jimmy Kimmel show, but I would rather not consider it as a Linkin Park feat. Steve performance. If it was a full band with Steve - then sure, I'd add it.
  8. I saw Chester in the crowd when Ted was on stage talking.
  9. Typo in "from".And I guess he was not on BIO.
  10. Well, maybe it's Kyle's guitar, just not the one from 2000...
  11. Can someone download and then reupload the Android APK file here? It's not available to download in Russia/Ukraine. Dunno if the stream will work, but it is worth a try/
  12. http://instagram.com/p/i-jiDSPFV6/# evolveent 16 hours ago · Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Kyle Christener Bass Guitar of @LinkinPark #lasvegas performance #linkinpark #kylechristener #photo What does it have to do with Kyle? Is Mike playing a bass guitar?
  13. Does anyone know anything about this video? http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4610791 It is said to come from a DTS BLU-RAY MUSIC DEMO DISC (Vol.8) (2013).
  14. Added. Thanks.
  15. Added Vimeo links, moved New Divide MySpace link to original version instead of Band Version. Added those Deco links...
  16. LOL... No way I'm adding all those videos to the video list UPD: Added link
  17. Added couple alternative links from LP's MySpace page.
  18. Added MFR's YT and FB links. Will research PR's YT channel later, if it is worth adding it.
  19. http://www.linkinpark.de Is this 100% official? Well, you are right. Added.
  20. Added couple of those as alternative links. Didn't find proof of legibility of Denmark's Warner YT channel on their official website.
  21. Should Steve's version of ALTNC go in this thread? https://soundcloud.com/steveaoki/linkin-par...ve-aoki-a-light Or should it go to Remix thread?
  22. I guess we should add this video to this list: Videos of songs remixed by LP members: Update 1: Added Jawbone - Wednesday Was A Good Day (Mike Shinoda Remix), Where'd You Go (Amended) and couple alternative links from WBR YT channel. Update 2: Added all other WBR links, as they seem to be of better quality than those shitty 240p videos on linkinparktv channel. ----------------------------------- Got a question to you guys, WBR channel has these videos uploaded: Should we add them to the list?
  23. Added those as well. Seems legit. I still need to find confirmation on DBS YouTube channel.
  24. Well, fine. All videos were probably deleted during that quarrel between YouTube and WB. BTW, Fort Minor channel was following Warner's channel... I found some interesting stuff there. http://www.youtube.com/user/warnerbrosreco...ch?query=linkin There's even full Live In Texas show, as well as Fort Minor and LP videos there (should add links to them in appropriate thread) Added FM YouTube page, as well as WBR YT page.
  25. Finally added. Are there any other official Vimeo accounts out there? Oh, just googled and found this - https://vimeo.com/linkinparktv Any confirmation on it's officiality? Another one - https://vimeo.com/musicforrelief Added Not sure there's about these. Need to dig about them.
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