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  • Birthday 03/03/1985

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  • LP Shows Attended
    [2010/10/07] Estadio José Amalfitani, Buenos Aires, Argentina [2012/10/05] Estadio G.E.B.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Buenos Aires
  • Interests
    Music: LP, Lacrimosa, Nachtmahr

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  1. Already on Youtube, if someone want to listen. (I dont post the link because the legal blabla)
  2. Me, of course c: This gonna be my third LP show!
  3. Lol! thanks (?) Hope I can tape the show c:
  4. Lol I've posted as Kamui, using Maxtone Browser, and didnt remember that years ago I used to have another account. Now, the video is a 1280x720p proshot. Sounds and look good, why isnt listed? o.o its a fake?. Thanks AndOne and xLinkinpark0562x
  5. HELP ME? i looked in ebay but all that I get are used or near mint, i want brand new u.u somebody has a good and site? xcuse my english D:
  6. Guess who's happy? D: I'm listening to it right now x)
  7. *-* I'm fuckin died listening to THAT from Chester. Some pics taken from the webpage of the Argentinian radio Rock&Pop:
  8. "Buenos Aires how you doing tonight?! You guys are FUCKING ANIMALS! The craziest crowd we ever played to is in Norway... and they're FUCKING PUSSIES compared to you, guys! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!!!" Chester Bennington. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSVO2A6YCu8...eature=youtu.be
  9. ARGENTINA confirmed (= Source (LinkinPark.Com)
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