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  1. Where'd you go? I miss you so...
  2. "Too late" is the song that related to me most. It somehow reminds me of my ex, and I see myself in the song. Well, yes, I haven't met her since we separated, I know I still love her, also know that it's too late for us to come back. Sad.
  3. Keep going . I juz temporary can't handle big files show cuz my HDD is running low. Also I can't help you guys with torrent cuz of our policy here, we can't go P2P. But keep it up! I'm finding a new storage.
  4. Thanks for the info. I guess there would many ppls who might blame LP for the new music as they did when I first listened to M2M. I juz can't wait to listen to the new ones, and never cared 'bout those ppls
  5. Gratz Chihiro. Great experience from you!
  6. I've never been in a LP's show cuz my country's not on the list, and I juz can't go abroad . My favorite moment in a LP's live is the start of "Figure.09" from the "Live in Texas", when Mike asked people to take off their shirts and put them in the air, waving around. That when I started to wish for a time I can join a crowd in a LP's show, hardly to breathe then. That show has many many great and remarkable moments with me, Mike's voice was so cool, better than he does now; Chazz with his wet shirt coz of sweat; the simple wear of Brad; Mr Hahn appeared much with his turntable - the very good middle part of "With you" also; Feenux nearly fell down to the stage while he was playing the last part of "Place for my head"... I've watched the show time to time and sing along with LP all the times . Juz wanna share with you guys my feelings 'bout that show, hope one day I can join a show, that would be much more exciting than enjoy one with my computer in my room.
  7. R.I.P Paul! Even when I rarely listen to their music. But this is sad...
  8. Wow, I still keep juz the "Opening" track . Keep it up dude!
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