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Everything posted by SoxRock

  1. Because I would clearly lie about it lol. I don't care whether or not you believe it I'm just letting people know that while they watch SportsCenter they may get a treat and hear a new song
  2. ESPN has started using clips from ATS during SportsCenter. "Wretches and Kings" was played as a preview to a college football segment. Here is a link to the clip, courtesy of LPA: http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31701 Sounds fantastic
  3. Username: SoxRock Age: 19 Location: Massachusetts Why I should win the contest: I probably don't deserve to win the contest in all honesty. I've been mostly a lurker on LPLive and it would be better for the community for an active member to win in the eyes of many. But I think I should win the contest because this is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity and I want a chance to witness it. As a college student it's very difficult to find funds for things that I want and I need to find the balance between want and need. But for some reason, I see Linkin Park in a different light. I have never found any band that captivates me as much as Linkin Park. They always push the envelope and follow their own hearts in making their music. I can see myself finding money to buy their music and support them and the causes they in turn support. I can see myself skipping classes to drive 4 hours to NYC to see them. Linkin Park has had an impact on my life and I can't really say how many other things really have. I would be honored if selected, but simply proud to be considered.
  4. I agree. I think a one song lpu poll would be very cool. I'd love to hear one rarely played song among the rest of the playlist.
  5. Well I already spent $99 on the Ultimate Edition pre-order so I think I'll wait for my membership to run out before renewing. I also have heard Pretend To Be and I don't think it's really anything I need right now. I'm sure LPUX will be great, but I can't pay $60 when I don't know what I'm getting. School starts again in two weeks and I have car payments and textbooks to buy. I'll pass for now.
  6. This guy's show is so exciting lol. I would have fun listening to this any time haha
  7. Glad to be able to purchase a version of Blackbirds. My iPod cannot play 8-Bit Rebellion, so I'll be happy to own my own version of the song
  8. Hmm I don't think I'd have much use for most of the Deluxe Edition and I think the skatedeck is pretty cool. Tough choice of whether its worth spending $100 on it...
  9. Pretty neat cover. I like the basic white on black and I can't wait to learn the significance of it
  10. I listened to about half of the songs and it is hilarious. I greatly respect Linkin Park for putting out something like this and this is much better than a live CD of songs we already have
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