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Posts posted by tschenneck

  1. OK. All of you....you don't FUCKING know what you're talking about. Maybe some of you will think I'm an ass or whatever, but I totally support the Argentina governement on this one.


    Do you know music at too loud level can destroy your ears? Basically, do you know what tinnitus is? Probably no. Tinnitus is a constant ringing in your ears, and once you have it, it's for the rest of your life. I have a "soft" tinnitus, due to listening to music at super heavy level. But I'm not here to complain about myself, that would be ridiculous. The fact is, I've always hate all the bastards who put the music at super super loud level during live shows, and who endanger everyone health because "loud = fun". I know its more fun...but what's the point of destroying its entire life for 1 show? I don't talk about myself (like I've said, my tinnitus is soft), but some guys have commit suicide because they couldn't live with an alarm in their head. People taking restrictions about sound level during live show are getting lot of insults in this thread, but do you think those restrictions are really useless? Do you think there mind is like "Ok, let's go soft, that will piss people off! Great!".


    Now I'm not saying live shows all should be very soft, because THAT would be boring. But fuck, 95 db is already loud. Max 105 db. But after, it's just stupid...

    maybe too loud music isn't good for my ears, but too low music isn't enjoyable. That's it!

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