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Posts posted by tschenneck

  1. they will play the same set. Rotating setlists won't happen till next year if they return at all. You guys also need to remember bands arent obligated to change setlists at all. They can, which would be cool, but they don't have to. Deal with it. Don't know why fans think they can demand what they want whatever happened to beggers can't be choosers?

    meh, SpikeMinoda got my hopes up and you destroy them :(

  2. i am talking about mike shouting out before the show (he shouted out the name of the town they were playing in mostly and asking them if they are ready and to go crazy etc. 'til 2006 and stopped doing it since 2007)


    this must be the first time he did it again and i am glad he did it, imo this is a good way to get the crowd going crazy from the start x)

    but I just don't see it on the video o.O

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