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Posts posted by tschenneck

  1. O_O WTF is Mike singing at the end of The Radiance?


    And when I close my eyes tonight

    To symphonies of blinding light



    Like memories in cold decay

    Transmissions echoing away

    I love this so much. It gaves me chills.

  2. I recently had a discussion with some guys about LP's worst year (I mean their live shows!), so I thought:

    "Let's make a Poll out of it!"


    What do you think? When they had their worst performances? When Chesters voice sound worst?


    Let me know!


    thanks in advance,



  3. Hopefully they release Europe 2007, Europe 2008 and whatever else they have at some point too.

    I still got my hopes up on Berlin 2008, fantastic show.



    No problem; thanks for posting!

    No problem; once again: thanks to you.

  4. Mature Content Ahead. Readers Discretion Is Advised, por favor.


    I wasn't happy whatsoever with the Out Of Ashes album, however, I did relate to one song very well. It actually was a splitting image of my life. If I was to make a song to match my life and put it on an album, it would be this shitty ass song on this shitty ass album. Crawl Back In is my life in song form. And might I say, my life isn't all that interesting. Or is it?



    Back about 47 years ago, I was raised by a very abusive family. They would beat me, burn me, starve me, and mentally abuse me. It was brutal. It sucked waking up every morning, knowing I'm about to get a whipping with a leather belt because I wouldn't eat my shitty expired Raisin Bran. I cried myself to sleep every night, hoping for my escape. My escape from this world. I thought of suicide. No. I was too scared to swallow bleach. I thought of running away. No, I was too scared of playing frogger in city streets. I didn't know what to do. So there I lay, every night, depressed, abused, alone.... flooding my soul with never ending tears. I woke up one morning with a purring sound on near my window. As I poke my head out a window, I see the most gorgeous sight I have seen in my life. It was a little Kitten! This little grey kitten looked up at me, and stared at me. Not budging an inch, just gazing at my eyes. As I gazed back at this poor kitten, I knew we had a connection. His eyes gave me life. The best day of my life and the worst day of my life was seeing this kitten. I knew I had a friend in this kitten, however, I was saddened to see his glossy glass eyes, making me remember my depression and sadness every night as I lay there crying. I instantly took this kitten under my wing. As my friend. As my family. I gave him a proper name of Milky Way. Because I like Milky Ways. This was by far the most amazing and longest lasting Milky Way to stay by my side. I knew we were meant to be.


    Milky Way and I were the best of friends. We would spend all night telling each other ghost stories, and we would spend all day playing tag. Milky Way would always win. I don't know what it was, but I think me running in my rain boots to chase Milky Way slowed him down. Milky Milk didn't see it coming that day when I was wearing Rocket Skates! The little bastard still outran me. :( . Milky Way was the happiness in my life. And then the most dreadful event of my life happened. I went to bed, Milky Way by my side. And I was happy, knowing that all the depression and abuse my family would give me was gone once the Milkster was around me. As I woke up the next morning, ready to rub The Milkinators tummy, he was gone! All that lay there was a ransom note. "If you want you're fucking cat back, come in the kitchen... bitch."


    Was this a sign? Was this a joke? Did Milk Mak-A-Lot leave this note for me? I put on my Superman T-Shirt and a red cape and I run to the kitchen. And then it happened. I fell on my knees and started crying. My Milk Man was a gonner! My Milkwilky was DEAD! He was beaten to death with a 2x4, my family standing there, laughing at me crying my eyes out. I was so depressed. I couldn't take it. My only happiness in life was taken away by my abusive family. What could I do? I didn't know what to do. I start gasping for air. I can't breathe. It felt like my lungs were collapsing. My vision starts to blur. I close my eyes. It felt like my eyes were closed for ages. I remember opening my eyes and seeing blood everywhere. My family members, dead on the floor. I look at my hands, I had blood drenched all over them. My clothes were soaked in red liquid. Did I do what I just think I did? Did I completely massacre my family? I didn't believe what just happened. Their helpless bodies just lay their on the floor. Holes in their bodies. Holes? It seems like a hole was dug in each of their bodies, right into their heart. Their hearts were gone.


    I look around, and I see a bowl of fresh meat. Yes, it was the hearts of my family. I was about to destroy their hearts, just like they destroyed mine. The anger I had towards them built up inside of me, and I did what any pissed off mother fucker would do. I sat myself down to their helpless bodies, and I ate their hearts like it was the most tender cut steak I've had in my life. And I enjoyed every minute of it. This was revenge! This was my revenge for what they did to Mr. Milky Johnson. This was a very tragic part of my life, but it was so important to me because it showed just how crazy love can drive a man. This event made me finally get rid of all of the pain over the years, and connect with my only love in my life, Milky Way.


    Sometimes I look at my own face, And I don't know who I am: These lyrics have a lot of meaning to it. It signifies how whenever I looked in the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself. I could never picture myself as a strong, brave, sexy human being like I am now. I was always a little pussy bitch. But now, I'm a man! Hear my roar! I see a piece of everyone I know, Buried underneath my skin: This refers to my carnivoristic characteristics in my life, of my families flesh and blood swimming in my body. I don't wanna be like them, I wanna crawl back in: Refers to me not wanting to be horrible, abusive, human beings. I just want to crawl back into my quiet little hole of a bedroom with My Milker and lay in peace forever. I hear them telling me who they think I should be, Why won't they leave me alone? I can't deny it, I try to fight it, But I'm losing control Refers to my family abusing me, telling me that I would be a nobody in life, and that I should be just like them. I just wanted them to leave me alone for good. I tried to fight it for as long as I could, but eventually I turned green and muscular, and ripped through my jeans, and went incredible hulk on their asses. Don't wanna lose my innocence. Don't want the world second guessing my heart. Won't let your lies take a piece of my soul. Don't wanna take your medicine. I wanna crawl back in Refers to me being such an innocent, sweet, cute young man. I didn't want people to guess how I felt about my family. I didn't want my families abusive goals in life take over who I was. I didn't want to take their laced Advil pills. Whatever the fuck was in it, it killed my dog Peppy. And lastly, refers to my bedroom.


    I hope this story touched your hearts as much as it touched mine... and my families. I love you Milky Way. DBS made this song for us! Never forget!


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  5. The DSP's for the upcoming "A Thousand Suns" World Tour are all listed, as well as the three South American shows! They are coming!


    Check it out HERE. We guess that the South American shows will be mixed during the break before the European Tour and will possibly be available within a week? But regardless, they are coming!


    South America

    Buenos Aires, AR October 7, 2010

    Santiago, CL October 9, 2010

    Sao Paulo, BR October 11, 2010



    Berlin, DE October 20, 2010

    Stuttgart, DE October 22, 2010

    Linz, AT October 23, 2010

    Paris, FR October 25, 2010

    Dortmund, DE October 26, 2010

    Koln, DE October 27, 2010

    Hamburg, DE October 29, 2010

    Herning, DK October 30, 2010

    Zurich, CH November 1, 2010

    Frankfurt, DE November 2, 2010

    Manchester, UK November 4, 2010

    Newcastle, UK November 5, 2010

    Birmingham, UK November 9, 2010

    London, UK November 10, 2010

    London, UK November 11, 2010


    Middle East

    Abu Dhabi, AE November 13, 2010

    Tel Aviv, IL November 15, 2010



    Brisbane, AU December 3, 2010

    Perth, AU December 7, 2010

    Adelaide, AU December 9, 2010

    Sydney, AU December 11, 2010

    Melbourne, AU December 13, 2010


    I guess the long rumored New York City DSP will not be coming, but at least we are getting every big show of the World Tour. Melbourne and Sydney's second nights aren't on here yet...I assume because those shows were JUST added. There's still room to add New Zealand and more shows after December, but this is great!


    The shows are $9.99. You can buy 5 of them at once and the 6th is automatically free. The site says, "Shows are typically available 30 days following the concert.You can pre-order at anytime and the files will be automatically added to your account when available."


    Thoughts?! Excited??

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