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Posts posted by SFNL14

  1. Meh who cares. Its not like they are forcing fans to buy stuff they endorse. Won't make anyone any lesser a fan if they can't buy the products. If you like what they are selling and can buy it, good for you, if not, you don't have to bitch about it.

  2. Was really pumped for this, but when I listened to it, I was disappointed. I was probably expecting too much. Really didn't like his rapping style. Also I don't think he would do so much promotion for just a single. There will probably me an album or EP. Still excited for that.

  3. There's no mixing/mastering difference in QWERTY. I put those songs into a daw, synced them sample-perfectly and phase inverted one and then summed them. The result: silence. So they are identical. Only difference is the lenght: LPU version has additional silence in the end and the beginning of the file.

    Really? I thought it sounded different but it must be because I read it first that it is different, and probably imagined it.


    Anyways, thanks a lot LPC and LPL!

  4. 01. 2003
    02. A senior played one either HT or Reanimation in the bus. I don't remember which, but I bought Meteora tape a few days later.
    03. Only Meteora. Ordered LIT once, but it didn't get delivered. Never tried again.
    04. ATS. Don't know much about shows.
    05. It changes a lot. Currently its By Myself
    06. None
    07. Mike

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