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Posts posted by Stranger

  1. Guys, you do know you were supposed to judge the remix work and not the original tracks, right? I mean, you obviously love Place To Start, but I actually remixed Over Again. :lol:


    Anyway, thanks for the votes and congrats to other contestants!

    How exactly does it work now? Mike gets the top 5 tracks from each commetee or the entire list?


    Just noticed that! hahaha. wrong title i guess.

  2. Oh damn hahaha. The LP paparazzi caught me twinning it up with Mike!


    Still have the chorus looping in my head. Suuuuuper catchy. We’re in for a treat with this album.


    You're the one who wear the same shirt like Mike? OMG! hahaha. can't wait to hear the new song.

  3. So is this remix from 2005 then? Has anyone asked Mike about what year he made this?


    Mike about Strange Things: "This was the first Fort Minor song."


    Not sure the exact year for the song but if Mike said it's the first Fort Minor song, most probably he used the demos/seeds from the unreleased remix of Butterfly Caught.

  4. Ah, I didn't know Eminem came out the same day. Dang.


    Not just Eminem, but few other artists too.




    So, it's gonna be tough for OML Live. Well i don't even care if it's gonna blow up the sales or not. all i care is we finally got something new from LP. the official release of live album.

  5. Because they see the value of being part of a community, particularly in the wake of everything that's transpired over the last four months, instead of just being an empathy-devoid, "I only endorse the existence of what I think the band owes me" pseudo-fan like you?


    Finally, someone said it. Preach!

  6. For those who are disappointed - You can't expect the band to chose a dozen of demos they wrote with their brother and friend over the last 20 years. A little respect please. It's only 4 month since Chester passed away and we fans may be quiet over it (Some not) but the band is/was in a whole other situation...

    This! Some people seems doesn’t care bout the band situation. All they think is their own self-pleasure. I totally understand why this year LPU is totally different. They had to rush fornit because fans KEEP ASKING for it. Seems like they HAD to choose the merch in short time. Don’t be greedy and selfish. If you don’t wanna buy it, fine, but don’t ever question why this year LPU gonna be like this. Sigh.

  7. Do any of these downloads actually have the entire show? The Capacity link had all the speeches cut out, Talinda cut out, etc. Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. OSC even had the announcement of Julien-K cut out. LOL. But does anyone have the updated audio in split tracks, mp3? The entire show with all speeches and interludes.


    I prefer that way. whole show lots of silences moment and almost 3 hours.

  8. Ethan over mixed the hell out of Download 2014, I hope that didn't happen here. Would love to see them go with someone else instead of using Ethan for so many years. I get it. His mixes aren't as realistic as the good ones from Pooch in my opinion.


    For me, i prefer Ethan mixes than Pooch. DSP from 2010 sounds bad. especially Brad's guitar can't hear properly. that's just my personal opinion.

  9. Thanks for this Stranger, good stuff.


    While I'm here... rather than start a new thread for this...


    I've created a version with reduced crowd noise for myself - such as whooping at the start and end; a guy shouts over Mike's final line; etc. There's still a couple whistles, but it's pretty clean for the most part as the crowd was deadly silent. I copied/replaced parts to remove this noise, there's no messy noise reduction.


    Thought it'd be nice to share:


    MEGA link




    This is wonderful! good job for this mate. Love the cover art too. :)

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