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About Jesper

  • Birthday 04/10/1993

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  1. Loving the album, picked up an additional physical copy, since my Artbook edition is still on it's way. My favourites are Crossing a Line, Running from my Shadow, Lift Off, IOU and Over Again currently.
  2. Which is great I think they helped her enough to hear that Mike and Brad were involved but also that she still could put her own stamp on it I actually didn't meant it in a nasty way lol. I actually listen to a lot of pop music and sometimes acts appear on soundtracks and deliver some pretty great tracks (if it is your cup of tea) and I think this track could have been easily be part of a movie.
  3. No offense but it sounds like something that wouldn't sound out of place of a soundtrack of a family movie.
  4. 5 or 6 tracks is not too many in this current environment, especially not on streaming. Having plenty of songs out before the album is out might make the SPS especially for the first week peak look good. I actually don't care for this chart stuff, but it can come in convenient for Mike.
  5. I ordered the pin, I already have a t-shirt with that picture in color
  6. Sounds awesome. Very cool for mike to involve fans. I love Mike's EP, still daily on repeat, and more music is more than welcome
  7. I would love it to be true, would def. get it.
  8. Ah it's great we get to hear this. I didn't mind the features. But this was basically the verse we heard live, so it's great to have a studio version of it.
  9. Exactly how I feel
  10. Amazing songs, still trying to digest everything, since I was omw home on public transport when it dropped, purchased it with swiftness on iTunes and had no time to dive into the lyrical content yet
  11. great reviews. The CD basically feels like a full circle moment of a very weird rollercoaster of a year. I met Chester and Mike during the Up & Close back in March, saw them during the Amsterdam show back in June. I have listened it with a smile, while crying my eyes out. An amazing way to honor Chester.I also agree that I have not taken things for granted anymore, I noticed i lived too much on auto-pilot and forgot to enjoy things and take care of myself.
  12. This is awesome, it's like I am back, feels very unreal to hear audio of show where you have been after all that happened. But damn I am so grateful they shared this live audio and this live edit videos take it to a whole new level.
  13. beautiful and touching video
  14. My membership lasts till June next year, so no need to renew it now already. And the shipping and bonus items are not worth it at this moment for me, though it is cool they offer some things. But I am glad LPU continues.
  15. Just pre-ordered my copy, very happy about this. Curious to see where everything is recorded. Also I really don't see this release as a joke. One of the things Chester got honoured for beside being an amazing human being was his voice. What better way to honour him than a live CD? Just focusing purely on the music and his vocals. After the Hollywood Bowl show, I think this is a great next step. How weird as it sounds, but I think this is part of the grieving process. We have cried, we have celebrated life, now it's time to put focus on an other part to remember him.
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