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Everything posted by NSASS

  1. Here you go; it's the best I could do on short notice.
  2. On it! Will let you know when I've done it!
  3. Out of curiosity, what MPC software was used to compile the Hybrid Party of a Thousand Things demos? The Linkinpedia page states "a trial of Akai's MPC Desktop software," but I checked their website and I don't know which one it is.
  4. Yeah, shame really. I'm always down for more Xero content. ALWAYS.
  6. Here ya go: I had to recreate it from scratch, but it should be close. Alternatively, you can use this extract of the emblem:
  7. Can you provide a link to a raw version; I've never listened to One More Light so I wouldn't know.
  8. How's this? Have this thing too: The Hybrid Theory Icons (Both Clean & Dilapidated Versions)
  9. Extracted a plethora of logos out of the HT:20 Trailer: 01 - Hybrid Theory Logo 02 - Hybrid Theory LP Insignia 03 - Frat Party At The Pankake Festival Logo 04 - Reanimation Logo 05 - Meteora Logo 06 - Meteora Linkin Park Text Spray 07 - Meteora LP Insignia Spray 08 - Live In Texas Logo 09 - Collision Course Logo (sans JAY-Z) 10 - Minutes To Midnight Logo 11 - Minutes To Midnight LP Insignia 12 - A Thousand Suns LP Insignia 13 - A Thousand Suns / Living Things / The Hunting Party Logo 14 - The Hunting Party LP Insignia 15 - One More Light LP Insignia 16 - One More Light LP Insignia (POST-MORTEM) 17 - One More Light Logo
  10. He actually redid them in 2021. Here, I'll link them... XERO TAPE (2021): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1nMyhIVIVVzkWXus7IDR5p4xtmVEwJ0vh RAPOLOGY (2021): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oPpGvV6wLeTBgf7WmjuGr9im_OFVXH_W And he made an interpretation of Ashes on Soundcloud using the two known portions: https://soundcloud.com/adeilton-alves-370832073/linkin-park-ashes-concept
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