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Everything posted by sordomuda

  1. He said himself he wanted to release PT under his name not under Fort Minor cause he felt it was more personal.
  2. I also remember Mike saying i dont know when or where but something like „i dont know if it is a ‚me’ song or linkin park”. I think what he meant is that when he os producing anything he kinda knows if the song is meant for his solo or for the band. But I also agree with Astat that most of the time its was always „Mike’s stuff”.
  3. This interview is awesome af 🥺 its so cool to still see interviews we havent seen before. Personally i love watching the interviews. Bennoda 🥺
  4. I think so as well. Mike is ambitious, he wouldnt like to throw a new album with no theme or with just random songs he has recorded Here and there.
  5. A side note: I am a sommelier xD great to know Dave is interested in wines haha.
  6. Ikr? Living for these news.
  7. Too bad they didnt have a chance to finish it.
  8. Great news but we been knew somehow haha maybe in 2021 we have a chance for anything cause for 2020 i am pretty positive everything is cancelled. Also ive read concerts wont be held until like summer 2021 or so lol.
  9. His talent is unmeasurable 😁
  10. exactly. When you dont care you simply dont answer the haters. Hating is popular on every fanpage and replying everyone is a waste of time. Exactly. He is throwing a shade on LP and anything connected everytime he can.
  11. Not him writing publicly to someone shut the f up. So unprofessional. So who is having a meltdown right now. good to know he knew Chester’s thought on LP 🤣🤣🤣🤣 sure Jan
  12. I cant believe we literally can see his desktop and stuff like this 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Stans need to chill with the Pictureboard mess 😷😷we have the Opportunity to ask some cool questions and people literally ask about it 🙄
  14. I would be exhausted hearing the same question for the 172773722 time even if we know the answer as well. The song has a sample so they cant release it officially the only way would be to leak it.
  15. Duh 🤣🤣🤣
  16. I would appreciate it as well 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  17. This is the saddest line i have ever hear in my life, hits you like a tons of bricks in your chest with no warning.
  18. Tbh i love the Hollywood Bowl live version. It is super raw and you can hear Mike’s voice cracking. I am drowning in tears everytime i hear this song.
  19. Obviously epic stuff. We will see if anything from it turns out to be important or not. Anyway, great to keep an eye on it
  20. My bank account is not ready
  21. Exciting news. Is Mike only helping with production or vocals as well?
  22. Lol 🤣 the meme is hilarious
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