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Everything posted by sordomuda

  1. Yes another rap song would destroy the concept of the album i just meant his rapping way of singing haha. btw are you a fan of heavy? No shade just judging by your nick.
  2. i meant a very rappy song would not fit the album like i dont know Lift Off or so imo. Thats why GG is out of the place on the album a little imo but they were also mixing different genres in their albums so maybe they would create something. Anyway what i meant is that his signature rap was on every album of theirs thats why it is missing in OML. at least I miss it haha. thats a very valid point. But i think the issue that is bothering most of the fans is not that only Mike and Brad contributed to it (we been knew like you said) but that they took people outside the band to write for them. Personally i dont mind it on one album. Its not like they do it on every album or they got lyrics and music ready, done by someone else and just went to the studio to record it with no contribution like some of the main artists out there.
  3. you got the point but that means the rest of the members really didnt contribute in the writing process from what i understand. For me OML is the album that I like very much but I dont love. I dont listen to it very often as a whole, i tend to listen my fave songs from it on repeat sometimes though. And I like pop music as well so its not the case that I only listen to hard rock music and i call this album shit because its pop. I dont want to sound repetetive as someone Here above but the chipmunkfest in every song really bothers me haha. i literally always forget how Halfway Right goes lol. Good Goodbye is a bad song for me, I dont care about the guests as well. I wish they have kept the original version with Mike only. Live version sounds much better though. Talking to myself is a bop. One More Light is a masterpiece. NCSN a really good song as well. Battle Symphony i kinda like as well. I love Sharp Edges live even though its a very simple song. Also I am team Invisible over SFN (weird, ikr) my complain is that I wish it had like two more songs (WAYW would be awesome, I love this song) plus one song with Mike rapping. Not like a typical rappy song but just a pop song with him rapping ha!
  4. Yes exactly. And its not like I dont like this kind of music at all. Because I have some remixes of the other artists i do enjoy very much but this album was so bad and unnecessary it hurts haha. Ok enough of Recharged hating haha.
  5. LMFAOOOO Yes i wanted to say it is even worse than Recharged remixes and they were already shit most of them imo
  6. There is also an option that he doesnt want to tell thats why he is saying he doesnt remember. His memory is awful though he doesnt even remember which song was on which album. The quiz they once did for french interview was hilarious (i think it was french)
  7. In my country we need to Wear it everywhere but sooner or later they will allow to go out without them so no point for me in buying them now as well.
  8. Probably something that is unreleased 🤡 literally no point in asking Mike about songs that have been scrapped from the album etc unfortunately haha appreciate the summary though.
  9. Thats why i prefer OOA demos over the released album. The demos that have leaked are great.
  10. Crying just by reading that. Mike is such a great person for allowing fans to do things like that. You did amazing. sorry for bumping the old thread but havent read this before 😂
  11. Yeah and until its gone thing.
  12. 100% Mike 😂 it would be a waste of the question.
  13. Cool to know thongs like his son is learning to play drums. Question about the album he was the least satisfied was dumb imo. I mean artists dont tend to release music when they are not fully satisfied with it unless someone make them to release it.
  14. When i saw the hashtag on insta i had a breakdown cause i thought they might perform from home 🤡
  15. Haha same. The intro is super exciting for me. The live version is fire.
  16. How much do you think something like that can cost? And will it be limited? I need to save up for it lol
  17. Mike has picked WFTE this is so cool actually it is one of my faves as well. I need to do it maybe tomorrow i will have some time because i might spend hours on it lol
  18. Cant wait for the release also also fan celebrations whatever it might mean.
  19. Cant wait for it cause some of them were bomb.
  20. Seems to be pretty cool i wonder what Yungblud can talk about though. I kinda like his first album.
  21. We still dont have music option for stories in Poland 🤡
  22. Nice! The titles of the jams 😂
  23. Where is the lie? Icons
  24. Only a relevant band with a 20 years long career
  25. Wow great job and a great thread tbh. Love informative topics like that.
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