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Posts posted by sordomuda

  1. 8 hours ago, RickLPL said:

    I remember the OML setlist surprised me so much in the sense that they dropped some of the older stuff in favor of more new stuff. Like 7 OML songs, new version (and best in my opinion) of Leave Out All the Rest, The Catalyst, Lost In the Echo. Only thing that bugged me was that Wastelands was all that remained of THP. Anyway, it was a well balanced set!

     I think they were singing 8 OML songs? 
    talking to myself, battle symphony, invisible, nobody can save me now, one more light, good goodbye, sharp edges and heavy? Which is great, only two songs were not performed and i think they would be eventually on further legs. Its great after they have abandoned THP and have performed like half of the songs.

    I think the OMLT setlist was A+ considering they had like 7 albums to perform singles from. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Garret said:

    Was a good guess though. Mike is basically working on something 24/7 365 so it could have been anything. Lol. He’s always been that way, even with LP, he started like 99.9% of the songs by himself at random times. Legend.

    Ikr he is showing the basics how its done. Chester and the others have said it so many times Mike is working non stop and can come up with a brand new finished song in one day. 

  3. 3 hours ago, OKCrew said:


    I’m definitely in a similar place right now. Obviously we wouldn’t love this band so much if there wasn’t a really strong case for every single one of their albums. Each one represents so much about where they were at as a band and can easily function as a “favorite” in its own right. For the longest time I probably considered M2M in the bottom 3 in my personal ranking of their work, and maybe it’s just because my personal taste has just evolved, but looking back, it’s the album the kept LP from disappearing after Collision Course, and pushed them into the juggernauts of longevity and experimentation we ended up loving all the more. Also how many albums have FOUR Platinum (and one Gold) singles?

    Ikr? A trully epic and legendary album. A CLASSIC. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, Garret said:

    I know tons and tons of people who got divorced and keep the same last name. Not that uncommon at all IMO. Especially if their children have the same last name. Just because you get a divorce doesn’t mean that it never happened. And sometimes it doesn’t even mean that you stop loving the person, it all really depends, it’s all complicated. 

    It might be in your country. Not really in Here within people i know and not only. I mean i wouldnt keep it as well. What for do i need it after a divorce. 

    Even my mother after a divorce got back to her family last name and i have my fathers last name. But that is of course a personal preference. And it is obvious when you were married to someone famous for sure you are keeping it for the benefits as well. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Broman said:

    It annoys me that she continues to use his last name. Like seriously lady? I understand the son stuff, but she's just gold digging her way through life and taking advantage of the fact that Chester isn't here to speak up

    Ikr? Most of the women dont keep the last name, only children do. I mean, why lol

  6. 7 minutes ago, Garret said:

    He did hate her. Haha. He bad mouthed her constantly from like 2005-2008. There are a lot of performances of In Pieces where he talked about her. Most memorable of those to me is Detroit 2008. Wow. I guess in 2009 they supposedly made peace according to Chester and Sam. But probably it didn’t last. Sam said on Facebook that they had a fight about him joining STP. So that’d be 2013. And apparently Chester hung out with her privately in 2016/2017 because he was photographed with her and Draven and also she claims he apparently sat down with her a few months before he died and ‘’told her everything about how Talinda wanted to divorce him, etc.’’

    Why she had something against him joining STP? Doesnt make sense to me. I cant really believe she would tell his ex wife Talinda wanted to divorce him. I am not saying she didnt but to me it would make sense Samantha would be the last person to know about it lol. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Garret said:

    Yeah that’s how it works in the U.S. too. Seems weird to me that he didn’t pay from 2012-2017, at first when Sam said that on Facebook back in 2017 I just assumed it was a lie because she says crazy stuff all the time. But if it really is true, that’s a shock to me. Maybe they had some kind of agreement if so because she definitely would have tried to get him put in jail if not. Haha. Seems pretty weird to me since he had a networth of like 25 million that he didn’t pay her. 

    Exactly. Like samo random daddies can afford paying it then why not a millionaire like him lol. Of course it depends from your income how much are you willing to pay but still. He must have really hated her but after all the money was supposed to be for his son not her (theoretically).

    He was paying or not it's pretty wild still she is having 50% of rights like WTF. 

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