We all predicted the future, my friends. Nice. I said this similarly about Lost before it was uncovered. I thought it was a finished deal, and possibly even mixed by Andy Wallace, because of its use in later LPTV’s as instrumental. And it literally was Meteora’s “Across the Line” in terms of the album process, being the last one cut. Mike even said the same “13th song” thing with both songs lol.
I also still find it so funny that Across the Line and Lost have such ironic titles. Across the Line being just “Across the Line” of Minutes to Midnight’s tracklist, the last one not making it, and of course Lost being “Lost”.
There’s still many LPU exclusives and instrumentals from various albums that I can’t wait to see hit streaming someday. MTM20 is still 3 years away, but I’m like getting hype for it already. While it has more of the finished songs already released, You just know they’re gonna do something for MTM20, and put out songs from that album era we haven’t heard. Like “Grecian”. Still we haven’t gotten to hear that. I feel like it could be a finished or near finished song.