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Posts posted by Somebodyangry

  1. Of course. I never said I disagreed with anyone voting for it I just thought it was a little too early so I waited until the final round to vote for it. As much as I love the title track, and how emotional it is, I prefer NCSM a lot more, can relate to it on a higher level than I did with the title track. I actually thought about not voting at all in the first place.

    Was really difficult to vote for me too because i love NCSM too

  2. First of all, judging from the videos from the last shows (including the South America tour), the band is really into it and they are absolutely rocking it on stage. It's good to see that after the long touring break they are really excited for the shows. Great performances.


    Im excited for what will happen to the set tonight, especially since I will be at the show in Amsterdam, which will probably have the same set as this show, unless there will be a surprise here for a one-off show.


    Im also curious to see what the production at this show will be, maybe a new stage design?


    By the way, I hope we get a new DVD of a show this tour. The last proper recording for a DVD (or Blu ray) was RTR. Anything after that was okay, but RTR had this special vibe over the entire show and recording. Hope we get something like that again.

    RTR is fucking awesome, i still regularly play some tracks like POA with the Petrified intro and There they go outro ("You wanna get dirty? Let s get dirty!") or NMS extended intro

  3. Special setlist for Hellfest


    01 Fallout

    02 No More Sorrow

    03 Talking To Myself

    04 Burn It Down

    05 Catalyst

    06 Wretches and Kings

    07 Rebellion

    08 Until Its Gone

    09 Castle Of Glass/RME outro

    10 Lost In The Echo

    11 New Divide

    12 Invisible

    13 Sharp Edges

    14 Waiting For The End

    15 One More Light

    16 Crawling

    17 Leave Out All The Rest

    18 Somewhere I Belong

    19 What Ive Done

    20 Numb

    21 In The End

    22 Faint


    23 Papercut

    24 Lying From You

    25 A Place For My Head

    26 One Step Closer


    There s zero chance they re not playing Heavy . Ti s their most successful single in 4 years

  4. One More Light



    It has really good lyrics, but for me the song is too slow and the instrumental isn't interesting enough. It's still a good song, but I'd much rather listen to Talking to Myself, Battle Symphony, or Invisible. I like some of LP's softer songs like Shadow of the Day or TLTGYA because they build up to something, but One More Light doesn't really change much over it's 4 minutes.

    I can understand what you re saying and i can t totally disagree but to me the song is so heartfelt, genuine and represents everything the band told about the album (lyrics inspired to life moments, lyrics first and starting with only piano/acoustic guitar melodies) that to me is no brainer the best song on the album and Top 5 in LP s career ;)

    I just feel the song so much that I instantly thought " this is the best song LP has done since ATS "

  5. I believe the "random festival goer" enjoys the setlist much more than the "hardcore Linkin Park fan". It's a mash-up of all their biggest hits plus five or six songs from their newest album.

    Yea I think that if i d be a random goer and i d know LP but i wouldn t be a hardcoe fan i d prefer a setlist of well known singles than one with underground songs like GATS, Wretches, BITS or stuff like that so i can understand

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