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About DylHDZ

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    South Carolina

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  1. 🔥
  2. I knew I couldn't be the only one who got the MALL It Goes Through vibes on Overflow!
  3. I was surprised he saw and answered my question, the chat was crazy lol
  4. They said they’re working on it lol they unintentionally leaked it 🤣
  5. Adam Casillas William Chase John Chidley Ricki Cook Abigail Dannewitz Lorenzo Errico Lucas Parr Tracy Robar Adam Ruehmer Joe Skarz Ben Young “mosh pit crew”
  6. TWO-FACED!!
  7. That’s where I’m at baby only like 30 min away! Let’s goooo!!!!
  8. LPLive forever!!
  9. Yeah plus HITC is doing really well still so I think they made the right call
  10. Yep def not Emily after hearing a decent quality on headphones. Sounds like it might be one of their kids, maybe Mike’s son?
  11. Honestly I feel like every song on this album could be a single 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. Hard to choose a fav at this point but I do love Overflow and Stained has potential to be big on radio. Of course I love the heavy songs as well
  13. I wouldn’t say Overflow is super experimental, I think for me it’s just more in terms of they haven’t ever made a song that sounds like this. Kind of like when Heavy came out, it wasn’t experimental really it was just they never had made a pop song like that up to that point. However that’s not to downplay the song, I think it’s a very unique song and I love it! But yeah two faces was a banger!! Honestly I got the vibes from majority of these songs that they could all fit somewhere in a movie lol they just have those moments. So ready to hear it all again!
  14. From Zero Notes Initial notes/thoughts with adding later From Zero Intro choir gang vocals em asking “from zero? Like from nothing?” (very short) TEM Cut The Bridge. Record rewind sound starts then it gets very Alt rock sounding. BIO type riff glitchy like, opening. Nice rap flow from Mike. BIO party vibes. Very LP MTM sounding. Emily sounds great. Mike sing/rap in bridge (dare I say hint of RHCP?) “cut it down cut it down down cut it cut it down” chant to close the song out HITC OEO Casualty. Omg heavy af. Heaviest LP song. Mike is very aggressive, not screaming but as if he sings with grittiness and hard, he sounds good af we need more of him like this. HTF+Victimized+KTTK+White Noise….Drums are fast af in the chorus. Scratching but it isn’t Joe…it’s MR HAHN!! He is back. Em reminds me of Chester as she builds it up for the bridge, very quiet like but shaky/frantic before she bursts back into screams for a very Slipknot like bridge Overflow. Very nice smooth stabbing synth, Ambient noises. Mike sing/rap with Em harmonizing. Sounds soooo good. Chill vibes. Takes you to outer space. Em sings soft. Gives me “It Goes Through” MALL vibes meets ATS. Could make love to it (Deftones like) 🤣 Em gets aggressive towards the end and the song is very Deftones in the bridge/outro Two Faced. Fuse plays in the intro with a tape changing sound and then…MR HAHN again! Nu metal af but a little more raw and hint of grunge. Mike’s flow is sick af. Similar to figure 09 but different if that makes sense. Meteora slapped me in the face and said “remember me Mother F*cker?!” Raw THP vibes as well Stained. Mike sing/rap heavy synth. Emily singing over nice chord progression. Most diff since Overflow. Feels catchy. Feels good. Could hear on radio. Could be a crossover hit. Mike and em back and forth in bridge IGYEIH. Mr Hahn is still here killing it! Em starts screaming. It’s Heavy. Nu metal vibes are back. Em starts singing then Mike raps. Back and forth. Chorus is so good, it’s as if they continued with the OG sound after Meteora and MTM never happened. Harmonizing is beautiful. Bridge hits “from now on I don’t need you” same as opening riff. Em sounds like Kurt cobain screaming towards the end Good Things Go. Mike singing then Em, more back and forth. Mike rap/sings again and Em sings beautifully. Good closer. Slower song. Post T vibes in bridge. Very good flow. Final Masquerade vibes I feel as the song gets louder and then a sudden end Overall this is a great album. A perfect comeback from LP. Looking around and seeing the 30+ reactions, everyone loved it, surprised by how good it is. It was over quick. I got chills and smiled A LOT. Favorites for me are Overflow, Casualty and Stained. Standouts are the whole album! Every song had a wow moment!
  15. I’ll be going to the record store in Spartanburg SC only about 25 minutes from where I live and the only place in the whole state doing this!
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