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About AceWav

  • Birthday 09/26/1996

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Amway Center Orlando FL. Jan. 15th, 2015

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    DIY recording artist and music producer.

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519 profile views
  1. I can’t be too sure, but yes I am pretty optimistic because I’m just looking at the fact that Mike keeps going, the band keeps putting out new music, they are doing a comeback tour… I mean, all signs for me point forward and appear to be a transitional thing. It’s like we’re in a transitional era at the moment
  2. Me too! A new Era seems to be upon us. We all kinda need one. Theres been a lot of going backwards in time lately (thankfully because we got new old music) but we want a better closure at the end of all this. It’s been one hell of a journey as LP fans, especially for those day 1 underground street soldiers
  3. Yeah this sounds realistic. And that’s also why I wanted to be careful in my comment about those grieving, it’s okay to feel sad and be reminded and feel sad again and I think to various levels we all feel that way as time goes on. But it doesn’t seem healthy to constantly put yourself in those emotions and consistently bring it up whenever possible, especially in hopes to gain sympathy, because at that point it comes off as selfish and needy for attention. Theres a massive group of these types of people who seem to feed off one another’s similar comments and emotions and it’s like they’re all stirring in their own big pot of sadness for 7 years while Mike is like “Yep. So here’s an album, here’s a bunch of singles, here’s some songs I produced for fans, here’s new unreleased LP, time to hire a new singer (if that’s actually true) and the list goes on, while having been one of the closest people to Chester. Mike makes a great example of moving on and not wallowing in his sadness. But like you said, there’s really not stopping these sort of comments moving forward, probably not for another decade till people finally get tired of their own repetitive thoughts 💭
  4. Mike literally said he wouldn’t ever hire a chester sound alike or even work with someone who sounds like Mike himself! And I hate to say it but Alex definitely mimics Chester thus the thousand LP covers because he understands he can utilize his tonality to support his music career and I don’t blame him one bit. I would do exactly the same if I had the pipes and tone like him. It’s working out for him. But it would be really weird and kind of disrespectful to Chester to put him in the actual band. How would Chester feel if he were still around and Mike used a “sound alike” to replace Chester? Not a good move. The same goes for Dimitris P. No hate if they’re reading this but it’s true.
  5. Straight facts. Some people are seriously addicted to that like count. “Wow thanks for all the likes!” Yeah here’s your trophy 🏆 for most liked sympathetic award 😂
  6. I second this so much. I will avoid YouTube comment section and especially reddit because that’s where I see the most repetition. I hate to call this one out because I understand everyone’s on their own timeline but even after 7 years, I cannot stand seeing those comments along the lines of “Ever since Chester died I haven’t been able to be happy and move on”. It’s some form of “I’m stuck and sad and depressed” but Mike clearly moved on years ago so why can’t they? This is one of those types of comments I just don’t understand. Or the “I haven’t been able to listen to LP ever since then” then why are you commenting on a LP video? It’s weird.
  7. It’s not as bad as those who constantly say “it won’t be the same without Chester” like no shit Sherlock I think we figured that out on July 20th, 2017 😂
  8. I’ve got an itch (without a cure) that Mike and this female vocalist will intertwine in a really cool way we’re all not expecting. I think about the song The Catalyst for example, how Mike and Chester’s voices basically fuse into one in some moments of the song with a mixing trick. But imagine Mike singing intertwined with a female lead or his backing vocals done in a way that really compliments her style. Of course you could imagine his rapping but if she’s got this edge to her vocals that really serves Mike’s production than I think we’re all in for a special treat. You just gotta be open minded and throughout LP’s history they are known for 180’s and unexpected plot twists in their sound. Mike has been working with SO many vocalist including female and I can only think he’s been collecting a lot of insight using those sessions in order to move forward with something exciting. I can imagine Brad’s excitement listening to new material in Mike’s studio and I can already imagine LPTV’s of their new process. We have a lot to look forward to if this ends up being true.
  9. I totally respect Mike's opinion on it and i can only imagine how he feels having written all that music, especially in this particular time of his career. Personally, I am neutral over cover bands for LP or any band in general. I even encouraged someone to join an LP cover band because they are an amazing vocalist. To each their own, is what i say.
  10. Oh me too! I know LP filmed every album process (besides HT, maybe?) But one day we will finally get to see behind the scenes of OML and all that went into it's process. I just want a making of for that album, also for THP that would be so sick. At least we got LPTV's. But yeah all those colors in OML make it their most colorful album sonically. I am sure i'll continue to hear little sounds or quirks in the mix i didin't hear before as the years go by, that's what makes a pop record fun, more so Mike's pop production cause it's Linkin Parkified, as Pheonix would say. Lots of layers to pick out inside of a very polished, well thought out album.
  11. woah i love her energy and sound. I personally hope this is all true about a female lead. Females bring an energy males simply cannot, not even Chester, I'm sorry bit it's just true.
  12. I know it wont ever happen but i seriously thought the singer from sum 41 was a great fit after that faint performance with shinoda. He has a great tone for Linkin Park moving forward but even he knows he's no replacement for chester which i agree, but still his tone is very fitting IMO for the band's music.
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