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Everything posted by AdamArtz

  1. They put up the lyrics on Genius. These fuckers called my song bio "not accurate". https://gyazo.com/7605ba06b24dfd2bd498d7cbe999517d Dafuq guys
  2. What were the days we got the clips? Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday?
  3. They posted the fifth clip. The fifth letter is "O". ONEMO
  4. 5 + not including All For Nothing that leaked a couple of hours before the album leaked. Guilty All The Same, Until It's Gone, Wastelands, Rebellion and Final Masquerade.
  5. Of course I'm right lol The whole point of changing the release days to Fridays is to prevent leaks and more sales. And it's working. Too. Fucking. Good.
  6. Albums are released on Fridays. Not Mondays.
  7. It'll be released on digital stores on the 17th probably
  8. If Kiiara and Chester are harmonizing - powerful af
  9. Oh shit Think we all see the irony in the title though Edit: Two weeks from today, Dylan.
  10. Agreed. Yesterday's teasing on Instagram that lead to this stupid piano clip was just...pointless. I'm not satisfied with this.
  11. Idk if it's worth mentioning but Zane also premiered "Prayers/Triangles" aka the return of Deftones last year so maybe he'll premiere the new LP song and announce their return as well.
  12. Yeah that was on BBC Radio 1. The lyric video was released after the song premiered.
  13. dude I want a metalcore/post-hardcore/experimental rock based album by LP so bad
  14. Oh baby please let this be it please please please please please Edit: they better announce the album title, album artwork, pre-orders, tracklist and release date too.
  15. ( ͡x ͜ʖ ͡x)

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    2. ChesterKiwi
    3. AdamArtz



    4. ChesterKiwi



  16. I would be down for some country music
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