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  1. This finally showed up on Amazon.ca and it was only $200 plus tax, so I pre-ordered. I will probably never even listen to the vinyls, and that 6 track EP cover looks too creepy for me to ever frame and hang on my wall. I'm really excited the CDs and DVDs though! I wouldn't have paid $300 for this but I'll take it at $200.
  2. 80 songs in the boxset? That is insane!
  3. This is really funny, thanks for posting! This fits me perfectly, I'm a huge fan of Primo, Across the Line, and Slip! I've even said to my brother before that I think Primo is better than I'll Be Gone.
  4. This song is awesome, such a nice surprise to hear another great song by Chester.
  5. I don't think they will get another lead singer, and honestly I wouldn't want them to. I would be very uncomfortable calling it Linkin Park with any other lead singer. If the five of them wanted to release LP8 without him, that would feel kind of wrong to me, but I would definitely still listen to it. I think the only way LP8 would be feel right to me is if at least a few of the songs have Chester's vocals from demos we've never heard before. They have recorded so much I believe they must have at least a few album-worthy songs with Chester's lead vocals. Aside from that, I think the best thing they could do going forward would be for the five of them to become the new Fort Minor. The name is well-known, and after Welcome they have a lot of freedom in where they could go next. I think between Mike's rapping and singing, with maybe some gang vocals from the rest of the band, they could pull off a FM album really well with the five of them.
  6. Linkin Park has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Not a day goes by that I don't listen to their songs, they are what got me into music in the first place. I listen to them so often I felt like I knew Chester, and now I feel like I have lost a good friend today. He was a great inspiration to many people, he overcame so much and helped so many other people do the same. I am truly saddened he chose to end his own life. I can't imagine what the rest of the band is going through, losing someone you've worked so closely with for so many years is like losing a brother. On top of all that, he was also a husband and a father, and his family has my deepest sympathies.
  7. One More Light It has really good lyrics, but for me the song is too slow and the instrumental isn't interesting enough. It's still a good song, but I'd much rather listen to Talking to Myself, Battle Symphony, or Invisible. I like some of LP's softer songs like Shadow of the Day or TLTGYA because they build up to something, but One More Light doesn't really change much over it's 4 minutes.
  8. Good Goodbye for sure, hard to believe Halfway Right was first to go.
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