By far my favorite Volume, even if there's a lot of tracks I like in the previous ones.
I suggested the Italian Neomelodic and One More Light styles that ended up being Mike's Gonna Mike and Sound Collector, so I'm pretty attached to those two and it's great to have both of them in the same Volume!
It feels like the more "serious" Volume, the only joke/weird song is License To Waltz, but it's still a genious track.
This project isn't just about the music but also the experience of it.
Watching the streams since March with these songs started literally from scratch and done in a few hours, knowing all the process behind them, the funny jokes, the chance to suggests things and styles and actually influence the songs, all of this is something completely different and new, perfect for the time we're living, where a full album with vocals would be wasted without the chance to perform it live.