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  1. Just back in from the shoiw!!!! mike came over on in the end and could see the excitement in his face. awesome show and papercut opening the show was awesome and really set the tone for the show.
  2. Heading to the show, will hang with my friend in the back of the pit.
  3. I am throwing my name in the hat for the ticket. pbizkit33 Dan Wohlrab 31 Eva, AL I would love to go back to NYC my hometown and catch LP one more time back home. I was unable to get tickets because of possible situation to get a writing grant and that fell through and now I see the prices online and can't afford going to the venue and tickets. Seeing LP with a bunch of LP Live members would also be a great time. I always wanted to catch up with everyone and this would be a chance to do so.
  4. Astat said it correctly, you are effectively doubling the price without offering anything but a promise to make it "the best LPU ever" not completely sold on the idea. I hope we can at least get a free digital download of the LPUX CD with membership at least. For $60 bucks I feel this could be funding some really cool exclusives as demos of ATS or we could get the same old sporadic videos that are borderline interesting, chat sessions with band members that are stale and uninformative, and no real shot at a M&G cause you don't fit the age demo to get into them. For the record, I loved the T-shirt and cd concept. Adam please get those reinstated please at least. I mean slap a big X behind the current LP logo and I am sold on that T-shirt. Member since LPU 5.0
  5. The video on iTunes is more performance footage where the transformers would be and joe used the some of the morphing effect when the band was playing towards the end of the video. There were also more shots of the girl mouthing lines to the song.
  6. Hopefully the surprise announcement, on the 22nd, is that they will webcast the small show or at least give us a download of a live track from that show.
  7. thought video was quite good and mr. hahn did a great job in editing the video with clips from the movie. Score one for LP if they got meagan fox for the shoot.
  8. Just having joygasm over possible new song to hold over til DBS in fall and vew album in spring.
  9. Just downloaded the Kick the Bass Remix and it is very impressive imo, hopefully all the remixes on the deluxe disc will be like this.
  10. That night was very amazing. I was at this concert as well and if you have ever watched a sporting event from this arena and heard how loud the crowd gets there multiply it by 5 when Jay-Z came out. This was one epic night that should go down in LP history when they tore the GARDEN down.
  11. If the cd were of the unreleased european shows i would have zero complaints. These tracks are uncirculated and would have made some fans happy and not as pissed off at the paltry six track 11 min. joke cd.
  12. The cd is one of the main selling points of the LPU package. Live songs even though many had them are still songs we know and love. This cd is there throw away fuck around wasting time tracks and ppl spend money they have saved or gotten as gifts. This really does feel like there are no one in LP or their management that care anymore. I am sorry to say I am one of them.
  13. From what i have seen, this is complete crap. If this is the real package I am seriously thinking of just doing online only and save my money. Or wait for a crappy Tour edition with maybe a bonus cd.
  14. i will hold judgement until i can hear the entire version....looks like i will be looking on the import sites for this. It said Mike Shinoda remix when i listened to it on the site link. On a side note, where is LOATR CSI mix?????...LOL
  15. I think we as a fanbase need to remind HQ that the newsletter was paid for already in lpu7 package, so they need to get off their lazy asses and send it to us. Then you can start charging for a physical copy with lpu8. Fucking assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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