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Everything posted by bigbadbrad215

  1. Sorry for the misinformation. I was excited, and it was 4am, so I wasn't really thinkin straight. I didn't necessarily mean Rhinestone and Stick n' Move were demos. I meant what you said, basically that they were "embryos" of later songs. But, I shoulda had my shit straight more than I did, and I figured someone would have something to say about it. Figured it'd be you. haha. I'd take offense if it were anyone else. And, I guess that my idea of a demo and alternate mix is kinda the same. I know it shouldn't, but, it's easier for me to think it that way. My bad. lol. Thanks for clearing it up. I still can't wait, though. LPU9 FTW.
  2. Grecian would also be epic. And Japan... Hmm...
  3. No Roads Left - Chester vocals. Possible?! I think so. What are the demos from HT we don't have yet... I mean, we have plaster, the untitled, points and authority, super xero, now I see, crawling, carousel, multiple 'esauls', and part of me... The only ones that leaves are demos for Runaway (Stick n' Move) Forgotten (Rhinestone) Cure for the Itch, and Pushing me Away from HT, and High Voltage, My December, Step Up, and Technique (short) from HTEP. You can almost count Stick n' Move and Rhinestone as demos for Runaway and Forgotten... hence the parentheses. You can almost count out anymore HTEP demos, but it would be pretty sweet. Technique (Long) would be nice. haha. Maybe that's the Cure for the Itch demo... who knows. I can dream, damnit. I'm anxious to see demos from Meteora, since "they don't exist." lol And, as for MTM, NRL(BO) with Chester would be freakin epic. Mike's is great, but I'm interested to see why they chose his over Chester's. Not knockin either of them, just curious...
  4. haha...we should get a petition going... and, like, send it to someone of importance... who could get in touch with people that have access to the real original track... i.e. Lethal... Build it up like we, the fans, require this long lost gem.
  5. This is byfar one of the best songs put together in a day. Check out a freshly-shaven Rob poundin out some crazy beats! lol. Mike and LP are true geniuses. As for a name, I think we should call it Melodrone. Don't ask me why, that name just popped into my head. Give it a shot...
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