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Bye lpunderground, Hello linkinpark


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From the "new" Linkin Park Twitter:


Notice anything different? Say goodbye to @lpunderground, and say hello @linkinpark.


to be honest, i dont even know how this is newsworthy, its not like is a big deal to change your name on twitter, i had to do it because some doucher stole my idea, for a username that i have been using for years.


im still trying to understand why they couldnt make a separate twitter account for LP/LPU.

when adam was in earlier, he told us that he didnt feel like having to update two different twitter accounts since he already has to update Facebook and Myspace for LP as well

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to be honest, i dont even know how this is newsworthy, its not like is a big deal to change your name on twitter, i had to do it because some doucher stole my idea, for a username that i have been using for years.




when adam was in earlier, he told us that he didnt feel like having to update two different twitter accounts since he already has to update Facebook and Myspace for LP as well

first dont double post! edit button is your friend ! ;) :)


wow thats being lazy hasnt he heard of syncing twitter with myspace and facebook? laziness i tell you...

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It seems like Linkin Park has been making a push to be more directly available to the fans as of late.


Like, instead of doing it through the fanclub, they seem to be going directly to the fans as Linkin Park and not the LPU. I think this is a good move as fanclubs are probably losing steam as more and more social networks become popular.

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It seems like Linkin Park has been making a push to be more directly available to the fans as of late.


Like, instead of doing it through the fanclub, they seem to be going directly to the fans as Linkin Park and not the LPU. I think this is a good move as fanclubs are probably losing steam as more and more social networks become popular.

its not Linkin park who manages the twitter account, its Adam

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I disagree. You think more fans would follow a twitter account with lpunderground as the name, or with linkin park as the name?

Thats true.


But they're being dishonest almost, I think they should stay true to the fact that they're the "Linkin Park Underground" and not actually "Linkin Park".


Although the change, as you said is likely to get them more followers.

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Thats true.


But they're being dishonest almost, I think they should stay true to the fact that they're the "Linkin Park Underground" and not actually "Linkin Park".


Although the change, as you said is likely to get them more followers.


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