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Linkin Park Underground 2024-2025 Packages

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So I logged into LpU and it says I have passport plus “legacy” account, with a renewal date of December 31, 1969.


does anyone else see a similar thing? I don’t recall paying anything, though I was an LPU member for the first ten years or so.


i don’t want to miss the presale for the 2025 tour!

2 hours ago, Chesterisinmyblood90 said:

I do think maybe that the band wants to save demos for future box sets, although, they have so much music, I’m sure they could give us 10 demos per year once again if they wanted.


Yes, they need something for HT30, M30 highly doubt we will be getting unreleased music through LPU.

On 11/13/2024 at 10:28 AM, sublimeric said:

So I logged into LpU and it says I have passport plus “legacy” account, with a renewal date of December 31, 1969.


does anyone else see a similar thing? I don’t recall paying anything, though I was an LPU member for the first ten years or so.


i don’t want to miss the presale for the 2025 tour!

Hey, so when you go to the url: https://lpunderground.com/portal do you have a presale code? I believe you should if you are a legacy user. I wonder if you got grandfathered in since you were a long time member


Em 16/11/2024 às 03:59, Chesterisinmyblood90 disse:

Eu queria comentar sobre isso alguns meses atrás, então desculpe pela necropostagem agora, mas, 


Eu acho que talvez a banda queira guardar demos para futuras caixas, embora eles tenham tanta música, tenho certeza que eles poderiam nos dar 10 demos por ano novamente se quisessem. Há algumas demos do HT e do Meteora que não estavam nas caixas, essas seriam legais de se conseguir, como uma demo de Don't Stay, Nobody's Listening e Numb. HT, havia muitas coisas que não conseguimos. Talvez eles pudessem colaborar com Jeff Blue para isso? Nos meus sonhos, haha. MTM eles certamente vão guardar para o MTM20 em 2027. Acho que o ATS com certeza vai ganhar um pacote de 20 também, mas talvez os álbuns posteriores não, então eles poderiam nos dar demos desses álbuns também. 

De qualquer forma, atualmente sou membro da LPU. Originalmente, fui um de 3.0 a 16. 

É verdade! Muitas músicas da era HT e Meteora não foram lançadas nos box sets.

Acho que teremos algo para o 30º aniversário do HT, é uma data importante, assim como o M30.

O MTM20 definitivamente terá algumas demos e shows incríveis. Estarei cruzando os dedos para um DVD completo do Summer Sonic 2006.

Sobre o CD LPU, acho que talvez no próximo ano tenhamos algumas demos que foram deixadas de fora das sessões do From Zero.

Também acho que o mais próximo que ouviremos de algo exclusivo com Chester será em 2027 no box set MTM20.

Acredito que a banda vai aproveitar esse tempo para consolidar Emily com os fãs.

Estamos curtindo a nova fase, mas sempre precisaremos das músicas inéditas e dos shows inéditos com Chester.

Edited by thigolpbr
20 minutes ago, thigolpbr said:

It's true! Many songs from the HT and Meteora era were not released in the box sets.

I think we'll have something for HT's 30th anniversary, it's an important date, just like M20.

MTM20 will definitely have some incredible demos and shows. I'll be crossing my fingers for a complete DVD of Summer Sonic 2006.

About the LPU CD, I think maybe next year we'll have some demos that were left out of the From Zero sessions.

I also think that the closest we'll hear of something exclusive with Chester will be in 2027 on the MTM20 box set.

I believe that the band will take this time to consolidate Emily with the fans.

We're enjoying the new phase, but we'll always need the unreleased songs and never-released shows with Chester.

A thought that popped up in my mind that would be cool is if they to promote a MTM box set in 2027 announce an anniversary tour as well. Possibilities are endless with an active band. 

19 minutos atrás, xxHybridXeroxx disse:

Um pensamento que surgiu na minha mente de que seria legal é se eles promoveriam um box set do MTM em 2027 e anunciariam uma turnê de aniversário também. As possibilidades são infinitas com uma banda ativa. 

The possibility that the band has with the release of future box sets is this.
being able to play songs from the albums.
it would be interesting for the band to play MTM.

speaking of MTM20 we really need the complete Summer Sonic 2006 DVD, the most hardcore fans will love it.


  • 2 weeks later...

anyone have problems with LPU site? tried to renew but the button/link under "Update Billing Address" is stuck/loading. it's pretty sucks that i've tried it many times before and still bugging. now my membership has expired, not sure if i still got my "Legacy" status. pretty bump


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