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Mike's second collection of merchandise has gone live - this time, it's called the Kintsugi Collection!


First and foremost, there are some new shirt designs! A couple of new t-shirts, including a shirt designed around 'Brooding' from Post Traumatic. A woman's tank top with on of the original Mike photos from this area is now available, featuring lyrics from 'Watching As I Fall' and 'Hold It Together.' A couple of other designs on shirts are also available, like two different color variations of a new Shadow Tee ("Shadow Black" is pictured above) and some long sleeve designs, including a nice new teal colored pullover.

Mike's made sure to deliver this time with some unique items. Perhaps most notable is the official #Flannoda flannel, donning the iconic black and red plaid as well as some new artwork on the back. Perhaps the best part of this is the description: "Created in the fires of a slumbering volcano by the mythical Garment Elves of lore, this black/red plaid flannel is made of 100% brushed unicorn hair with buttons cut from the compressed adrenal fluid of a direwolf. There's an embroidered MS Signature Logo hit on left chest and a Shinoda Art Therapy graphic on the back. The graphic hits were printed using a rare ink laced with aged South American whale milk. The wearer of this unique item is granted +10 to their defense and singalong stats. This flannel is special. Don't miss out."


Last but not least, we have some more special items. Another Mike Shinoda cap is now available, with his signature right in the front. A new skate deck is included, as well. You can now own a pair of iconic Boris and Mrs. Oatmeal (from the 'Ghosts' video!) socks for yourself for all your sock puppet needs. Grab a pair of the new phantom slides for your summer-time comfort, and lastly you can grab an enamel pin to put on anything you desire to carry your Shinoda pride anywhere you go!

Check out all of Mike's merch on his online store.

Who's planning on buying anything from this collection? The merchandise from the original Disrupted Collection are all still available, too. Personally, I don't think I'll be getting anything (I'm growing tired of the "let's put a square of art on a t-shirt" design they've been doing - hoping for more stuff like the Shadow tee in the future, and things are a bit pricey), but then again I do need a new pair of sandals and those Phantom slides look mad comfortable and cool. (Shinoda camp, if you need someone to promote your merchandise, you know who to call).

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates, and join the LPLive Discord for discussion with fans around the world!

Check out the rest of Mike's touring schedule here.


I like the new merch.


I've been getting comments at the shows about the preorder bundle shirt, the red Shinoda logo on the back of the black shirt. It's my favorite one but I picked up the hat and the Disrupted tee at the Camden show.


I'm not a camo guy but the camo hoodie does look cool to change things up, and I love the Kintsugi long sleeve design. Kintsugi long sleeve, Disrupted tee, and preorder Shinoda are 3 good designs. I haven't decided what I'll pick up at this point but it looks like the Kintsugi long sleeve and the camo hoodie. The demons crewneck is cool since it has a longer design on the back but I'm not sure if I like Mike with that big Abraham Lincoln-looking hat on. Chlorophyll is a good design too but it's on a white tee, eh.


It's good he's expanding merch as the touring cycle begins. Maybe he will have tour exclusive shirts too, something I wished he had for the promo run. KROQ, Identity, Amoeba, NYC, Camden would have been cool together.


I´ve liked the bundle shirt, but silly me I ordered it on "L" which is a little big for me...


This new merch gets really special, Mike never disappoint there. I ordered the official flannoda, those socks and the black tee shirt above. It´s expensive but worth it! Can´t wait to go to the cologne show with this uniform B )

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