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From the Linkin Park Twitter: "We're partnering up with Shazam to give you an exclusive remix and a chance to win a Linkin Park flyaway."


LP.com says:


"We're partnering up with Shazam to give you a chance to win a VIP trip to a Linkin Park show in 2014. All you have to do is download the Shazam app on your iPhone or Android and Shazam "A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES" any time you hear it on the radio, TV or even on your iTunes. Every time you Shazam the song, you can enter for a chance to win (limit one entry per day).

Official Rules say:


One grand prize: 3 day and 2 night trip for the winner and one guest to see Linkin Park live in the US TOUR DATE and show to be chosen by winner from eligible tour dates provided by Sponsor. Two Round trip airfare, hotel accommodations, round trip transfers from airport to hotel and two tickets to see Linkin Park in concert.


Also, make sure you tune in to Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday, November 26th and Shazam our performance with Steve Aoki to get an exclusive free download of "A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES" (Vicetone Remix).


Watch us on Jimmy Kimmel Live: Tune into ABC on Tuesday, November 26 at 11:35/10:35c. Check your local listings."



  Soul said:

Shazam ALTNC from iTunes? GG.

They already thought about (you/)that, limit one entry per day.




So I guess they're trying to break their guinness record of BID remixes.


Did you guys see the rules?


  • Eligibilty: open to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States and district Columbia who are 18 years of age and older. Must physically be located and reside in the 48 states at time of entry. Void Hawaii and Alaska.
  • Sweepstake begins at noon PST in November 22, 2013 and ends 11:59:59 PM PST on December 13, 2013.
  • One grand prize: 3 day and 2 night trip for the winner and one guest to see Linkin Park live in the US tour date and show to be chosen by winner from eligible tour dates provided by Sponsor. Two Round trip airfare, hotel accommodations, round trip transfers from airport to hotel and two tickets to see Linkin Park in concert.
  • Five first prizes: a Linkin Park prize pack consisting of a Linkin Park album in CD format and artist merchandise.


Does that sound like their might be a tour earlier than Chester thought, or maybe this is in reference to a one off show somewhere in the US. Thoughts?

  Numbrocker said:

Does that sound like their might be a tour earlier than Chester thought, or maybe this is in reference to a one off show somewhere in the US. Thoughts?

The winner can get his prize in 2015, or it could be one off show. Who knows maybe even US tour in 2014.
  Skipees said:

The winner can get his prize in 2015, or it could be one off show. Who knows maybe even US tour in 2014.

Yeah I guess this part: "win a VIP trip to a Linkin Park show in 2014" could just mean that you could win the chance to see LP in 2014, but when I first read it I thought it meant that the show will be played in 2014.


Either way a cool contest.


Maybe it'll be a small tour like MTM promo tour? I checked another promo (to see if Shazam have pattern for the rules) and the details are different. So this info probably provided by the band.



  xLinkinpark0562x said:

I've got the Nicholas Cage thing too, but I did it just for S**ts and giggles :lol:

+1. I won that bet but it was so beautiful.
  • 4 weeks later...

I guess this remix is gonna be on the next EP (probably with the winner of the ALTNC Indaba contest):


  Vicetone YouTube Account said:



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