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Posts posted by Coizu

  1. My favorite live show was my first and only show I've been to... It was the Stuttgart show and it was just so epic. I could never compare it to anything else or to any other lp show recording. It was just the greatest shit I've ever experienced :)

  2. Someone wrote on twitter that chester needs a day off from singing and the stuff and that's why they cancelled the show for today... It was confirmed by pooch or something like that.


    Pocher is a bullshit tv show anyway so maybe it's better for them :P

  3. this sounds really great... it's so sad that I can't meet up with you guys. It planned to visit the munich show but since I'm doing my last few months of school right now and I don't want to miss a day that I don't have to miss because of illness or something like that I cant visit it... too sad.

    I still remember the stuttgart show where I was hanging out with mark the whole day, it was so awesome.

    So I hope you have a really nice trip and just give a greet to chester from me xD I would love it to meet you all but like I said before: school is my prior right now..

  4. That SUCKS! It's so fucking stupid to put out a second version of the album with a DVD and some extra wehen there is already a verison out! For them it's more money but if I had knew that I would buy only the box set and not the normal album and then the box -.-

  5. "LINKIN PARK - Visit the Set of an Upcoming Linkin Park Music Video, plus Meet the Band"




    What kind of video can we expect?


    Update: Ah, I read the whole text now xD


    "Date of video shoot has not been determined, but will take place sometime between October, 2009 – October, 2010 in a city to be determined at the band’s sole discretion."

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