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  1. Any update?
  2. Maybe they will play the same set all the year. When you see it first time,you will say it's amazing. At end of the year,you will say it's boring.
  3. credit card,but it is Chinese bank credit card.
  4. I can't pay it."Your card was declined."
  5. first appearance in mainland China since Shanghai 2007!
  6. vinyl sold out
  7. Find Reanimation (2LP) will be released on April 29, 2016. pre-order:http://www.amazon.com/Reanimation-2LP-Linkin-Park/dp/B01CODVHZW/ref=sr_1_9?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1457580334&sr=1-9&keywords=linkin+park&refinements=p_n_binding_browse-bin%3A387647011%2Cp_76%3A1249188011
  8. If I buy LPU15 from amazon,How to get "1 Year membership to the LPU"? It's different on the lpunderground.com.
  9. So I say All your worries and speculations are not necessary. probability they use old set(but no UIB and welcome),If they play KTTK == awesome!
  10. The list have been get allowed.The band can pick songs from the list. And the other side,NO UIB on the list(mostly the band apply this song,but can't pass the examination),so no Apaches.
  11. No songs get banned this time. I think they still use old setlist,just use Mike solo replace Welcome.
  12. The error of the show note. - 'Breaking The Habit' was performed for the first time since 2013.8.19 Kuala Lumpur. Look at here.http://lplive.net/shows/db/2014/20140110
  13. Full show or not? DIME is good
  14. Here it's a interview.http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/22703761.html#vid=22703761
  15. Almost 300$ ,too high..
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