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Posts posted by ChuckCheese

  1. Song sounds like it belongs on LT, much more that style than GATS. I definitely prefer GATS but I don't think this is a bad song at all. If this is as soft as it gets then we're in for some great shit on this record.


    Seems like this song goes right with the likes of Burn It Down, What I've Done, ect. They need a radio friendly "hit" to stay relevant in the mainstream.

  2. Songs the band has been nailing live

    Papercut (what a riot)

    With You (was so glad to see this song make a comeback, and it rocks)

    Castle of Glass (love the live arrangement for this, could have easily sounded horrible sounds great)

    A Place for My Head (need I say more?)

    Faint (was better back in 07 when Chester threw around more screams on it, but it's still consistently jamming at every show)


    Songs that should admittedly take a break

    NUMB (Everyone agrees, the song has run its course)

    New Divide (It was a hit, but since it's not on any full length album I don't see why they can't drop it. It lost a lot of its luster once the ATS cycle began)

    Lies Greed Misery (never has sounded too good live; pretty shocked that it's lasted as long as it has)

    Breaking the Habit (I still think this song is good live, and it's been going in and out of the sets throughout the years, but I think that it's on the band can afford to drop to make room for new stuff)

    Leave Out All the Rest / Shadow of the Day / Iridescent (I'll be surprised if they don't drop all three once the next tour starts)

    What I've Done (I like this song live, and it's definitely a big maybe if they'll drop it or not. They won't drop BID since it's newer, and I honestly always enjoy ITE every show. Wouldn't mind seeing WID take a break.)


    Songs that would be gladly welcomed back

    Figure.09 (Obviously.)

    Wretches & Kings (Never got to see it myself, and good god does the song jam big on every recording I've seen of it. Great audience participation and everything.)

    No More Sorrow (One of LP's better heavier songs. Always got excited to see this get played. Would love it if it came back.)

    By Myself (If they're gonna be brushing up on all of the Hybrid Theory tracks anyway, I would love to see this one stick around. I'll take it over Runaway and Forgotten.)

    Don't Stay (I think it's great, plus I've never seen it.)

  3. Gotta agree with Mark on this; Chester most likely sounds the way he does on this song because his voiced hasn't been auto tuned and processed as much as usual for LP. Mike is all over this thing production wise. And I'm pretty positive this quote from his blog: "this album has been the product of a mix of focused experimentation and free form jamming. We’re even tracking parts to tape instead of going exclusively digital." says a lot about why this song sounds the way it does.



    I personally really fucking dig this song, it shits all over Living Things and of course isn't going to be the best off the record. This is a great preview of whats to come. I love this heavier, crunchier sound. Mike was not fucking around when he said he wants rock to be carnivorous again.

  4. I say they do this kind of mini tour playing HT in full before the new album drops. Then there's no problem. Or if not in full, keep Forgotten, By Myself, CFTI, and PMA. Only real rarities. Runaway was back recently and I can honestly do without it. Then they just have those 4 plus ITE and OSC. Plenty of room in the set for the other album songs.

  5. Pretty accurate, Astat. I'd prefer Papercut opening though. End the main set with Faint or something. Really doesn't matter.



    Why do a few of you think this means an all HT era setlist? That is definitely not what this is. It's all 12 songs from HT and then their other songs from the other albums. We're not getting High Voltage, And One, My December or anything like that.

  6. Looks like we do in fact have almost 50% of the material off this CD already. 7 out of 15. Kinda lame even if it makes sense.



    Also from what I've heard these remixes sound so generic it's not even funny. Not at all the quality of the Reanimation remixes but I can't say I'm too surprised. I find those remixes to be songs in themselves, to the point where I don't even consider them remixes of other songs but just songs in their own right. These are so obviously bland with the dance beat and synths all over the place along with the predictable build up into a drop shit that you hear every day now.


    I wouldn't mind this all so much if the tracks were better.

  7. Still my perfect set.



    Cure for the Itch as the intro, maybe?

    1.) With You


    3.) Given Up / VICTIMIZED / QWERTY Medley (GU actually fits nicely here, they can just skip the second verse and chorus)

    4.) Lying From You

    5.) Blackout or When They Come For Me (rotate)

    6.) Figure.09

    7.) From the Inside


    9.) Points of Authority

    10.) Waiting For The End

    11.) Breaking the Habit

    12.) In Pieces or My December or Shadow of the Day or Iridescent or Pushing Me Away Piano (basically rotate any two slow songs)

    13.) POWERLESS

    14.) The Catalyst

    15.) BURN IT DOWN

    16.) Numb or What I've Done (rotate)

    17.) In The End

    18.) Bleed It Out


    19.) Wretches & Kings or No More Sorrow (rotate)

    20.) Papercut

    21.) Faint

    22.) A Place For My Head

    23.) One Step Closer



    Obviously add on whatever intros and outros you'd like.

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