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Posts posted by RogueSoul

  1. 19 minutes ago, Astat said:

    Live Q&A's online are a terrible idea lol. Look at what a shitshow Mike's livestream chat turned into, that's why he mostly stopped taking questions.

    I was about to say lol. Funny how you think they were going to do a live Q&A when:


    a) Mike did them for months before STOPPING them bc people asked so many insensitive/stupid questions


    b) Even during the pandemic we managed to get FOUR of em together, the task of getting them together for a Q&A in one place at one time I’m sure takes a lot scheduling. They didn’t HAVE to do this, especially since the DVD pretty much comes out the same day.


    though i have to say “soy cuck move” is a new favorite line

  2. 5 hours ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

    We really needed to talk about this again. Sean attacking and blocking people etc... again 🙄🙄


    Well if they did anything else for us to discuss we wouldn't be here lol.


    You don't have to reply to every post bro, if there's a discussion you don't wanna be a part of, just move on

  3. 1 hour ago, kcg said:

    LMAO I was the guy Sean was arguing with. I couldn't stop laughing over how pathetic his responses were. He acted like an edgy 16 year old and just called me a "dumb fuck" over and over again. He didn't even bother addressing my points about him dishonestly claiming the Wake Me and ...No Sun Today copies to be fakes and blocking sales of them, or how he flat out lied about telling Chester's fans to "shut the fuck up", denying his own fucking words, similar to that of his hero Donald Trump.

    I took screenshots of the conversation so he wouldn't get away with his dickhead comments without them being exposed, because I knew he would likely delete them or block me, which he since has. I posted them in the LPLive Facebook group and they kept it up with the comments disabled for a while, but they eventually deleted it, which I understand. It was pretty fun while it lasted though. Good times.



  4. 6 hours ago, lpliveusername said:

    1. Sorry For Now official instrumental reportedly doesn't have pitch shifted vocals. Leaked instrumentals do.

    2. Pitch shifted vocals aren't the only reason OML instrumentals are in the post. Read it again. You can hear actual singing in some parts. This was discussed in 2017.


    Ohhhh I see now my bad. Missed the key "instrumentals" part :P

  5. Unfortunately I cannot support people who beat their wives, however I'm glad to see Joe getting some music work done. I wonder if his new found celebrity in Korea the last few years will open him up to more stuff like this in the future. Can't go wrong with some more Mr. Hahn remixes!

  6. 34 minutes ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

    Maybe both parts should stop bitching. Calling the album “cashgrab shit” on Twitter is not very kind and nice, and on the other side calling people who follow LP since the beginning “douches” is bad. 


    I don't think anyone was calling the FANS of the album douchebags... not to say there wasn't heat in the shoutbox for awhile but a lot of it WAS (and I think, rightfully so) directed towards Sean/the rest of Grey Daze. That being said, hopefully that's all gone the second time around. Wouldn't want to have to go hard moderating the shoutbox because of petty opinion arguments again.


    Still haven't listened to Amends - don't know if I will - but I certainly hope this record goes a lot smoother... and they don't come at us with like 10 different versions again lol. Nowadays it's really important how an artist presents themselves and conducts themselves online and these guys really fucked that up. No matter what someone's opinion of your record or song is, outright calling them a piece of shit on a public forum/social media simply is not a good look.


    At the end of the day, I just hope they stop sending me Grey Daze ambassador emails lol. I never asked to be one, but here I am, with my LPLive email filled to the brim with teaser announcements, teasers, announcements of said teaser announcements, etc.


    Just do better, guys.

  7. Wait... so are we listing the pitch-shifted vocals as a mistake on OML because they weren't on a promo instrumental for SFN? Or am I missing a key part of the argument?


    Surely VOCALS being muted on an instrumental (effected or not) checks out? It isn't so hard to believe that they considered whatever track those were on in the project as vocals and just muted em. Going by what other bands have done for other songs doesn't really make sense, since not all songs are built the same way. Maybe I'm just rehashing what you  guys are saying but I think I'm lost lol

  8. as this site's proclaimed 30STM stan, I do concur that the photo book is bullshit lol


    When you look at that vs something like this, it's clear to see LP isn't trying to rip off to 40+ year old women who cling to them unhealthily. This is for fans who care. Not for fans who want like, Chester memorabilia (which, though, is probably included).

  9. 1 hour ago, leftshoe18 said:

    Can we stop with the death anniversaries and just celebrate Chester's life on his birthday or something?


    As much of a nice sentiment as this is, I think a lot of people's lives were changed on this  day as a result of what happened. At least for me, today stands for a sort of... look how far we've come. We've carried on living, at times for better or worse, after this dark day happened. It's sad to reflect on what could have been but at the same time, these are the hands we're dealt. If we're going to do anything today, it should be a celebration of Chester's life and legacy instead of another day of mourning. Because we're all still here being watched over by him wherever he is, and I think Chester would like us to smile today and appreciate what we do have and the gifts he gave us.


    Hope everyone is doing okay today. And if you're not, that's okay too. Take every day one step at a time, especially in these times. Feel free to reach out if you need anything :)

  10. 10 minutes ago, SFNL14 said:

    I think the most we can get is a mashup. We will probably see him rap over the instrumentals.


    This. I doubt any of these will get used as anything more than a beat to rap over (like the Funky Rebel Break thing from FM 2015) or maybe as an intro to another song.


    ALTNC w/ Booty Down intro to open the encore :P

  11. 2 hours ago, vinifeijo said:


    I meant that... if he can't listen to Chester's voice... how is he working with HT20?


    Like Justin said I'm sure there's a line he draws somewhere. After all, there's no way he could've rehearsed all those LP songs for the PT Tour without at least referencing Chester at times. The lyrical content/aesthetic of Grey Daze is pretty dark and depressing so for Mike I'm not surprised that some of this stuff probably doesn't sit right with him. At least with the Hybrid Theory songs it's like... those are as much his works as they were Chester's, even more so considering some of them are songs he worked before Chester joined the band. He had a say in how those came out versus with GD/Amends, it's something that includes Chester that came out unrelated to Mike's world. And we still don't really know to what extent the HT songs are being worked on really. Mike may not even be in charge of mixing/mastering - he could just be listening to the latest masters or mix and sending notes back to an engineer doing them. We'll have to wait and see, really


    I'm sure Mike is aware of the drama with GD as well and wanted to draw attention away from the subject while still giving some sort of answer.

  12. This is... alright. Not a huge fan of all the voices on the track but I'm sure for Mike it's a cool experience to be able to share and actually work on this song with some fans in a special way.


    The second verse goes fuckin hard but other than that I don't see myself really coming back to this one. Can totally see that verse coming up on like a POA intro/SFN bridge verse.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Awalkinthelinkinpark said:

    I tried ebay and deep Web sites before 

    Not enough money was presented my last resort is here 

    “Those suckers on the Deep Web aren’t paying me enough... the only other option are those fan site fucks. I KNOW they’re are loaded and gullible!”

  14. 11 hours ago, martinez said:


    Don't know how this works, but for example all streaming platforms received all songs and then the PT album one week before the planned release date with all the info, credits etc. All platforms already have all songs of Amends. Maybe there are the differeces between, when you make the album for pre-order.


    From personal experience, I think there's an extra delay from delivering the tracks to stores and them going up due to the coronavirus. Of course I'm nowhere near as important or have the resources Mike has so I'm sure his process is different, but I sent an EP to stores on April 20 and it took over a week to go up everywhere, as opposed to a few days. With the added task of preparing these songs, I'm sure there will be delays on that too (getting the copyright, etc. as you said) so it will take a few weeks. But if he's working on it now then that means it will be sooner rather than later!

  15. On 5/27/2020 at 8:01 AM, vinifeijo said:

    Amazing! Thanks

    Another one:
    Do LP's vocals have an ACCENT? Like... the regional speaking accent.

    i mean, i'm not an english native speaker... so i can't tell if Mike and Chester have accents. Not just singing, but when speaking.

    I guess Chester being from Arizona and Mike from Californa... something must be different in their way of talking, singing and pronouncing words.


    22 hours ago, JZLP-AmendsUltimateFan said:


    This one deserves to be answered. 


    When they speak they don't really have an accent per se... every state has like an "accent" (everyone knows the goddamn New Jersey accent) but it's really just a small group people within each state who actually speak like that. They sorta just speak like normal white guys lol


    For what it's worth, when he raps Mike really goes for like... a big Compton tough-guy

  16. Crazy that it's been three years already. For me, what really makes an album special is the memories that come with it. I think I can say with certainty that I may have the most memories attached to One More Light than most of my other favorite records.


    For better and for worse, this record was filled with tragedy, but by the same measure it was also filled with relief. Music has always been my therapy, and this record unlike many others didn't try to hide its pain behind strange metaphors or walls of sound. Every song is a recollection of some painful memory, in which by performing you can feel the band accept that these emotions are a part of them, and instead of reveling in the pain of having experienced them, we should celebrate the fact, because in the end, it makes us who we are.


    OML has been my 2nd favorite LP record since it came out, and I don't really see that changing any time soon (I guess it all depends on what comes next). But I can say without a doubt that the songs on One More Light really showed me the power of music and the genius of Linkin Park. Be it a forward pop song about life bringing you down at every turn or a heartfelt ballad for lost friends and family, LP wrote these words from the heart, just like they did any record. It may not be for everyone, but I think this record was certainly for me. Lord knows where I would've ended up after 2017 had I not had some of these songs to confide in.


    Thank you One More Light, and thank you Linkin Park for not being afraid to be vulnerable. Time to blast Sorry For Now in their honor!

  17. 1 hour ago, castro78 said:

    I wasn’t referring to you my man. I’m talking about the guys deconstructing the track. 

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the world’s kinda on lockdown rn. Pretty sure if anyone’s got anything right now, it’s time to do stuff. i mean, surely YOU had something better to do than type that first useless, unproductive comment.


    Though i’m pretty sure someone would’ve done it anyway. because we’re a community of people who love to analyze every single detail. sorry if that displeases you 🤓

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