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Posts posted by LPFreak64

  1. 01. New Divide - Just an all around good Linkin Park song. Sounds great on both the studio and live track.


    02. Lockjaw - Great Instrumental. Good Melodies and a catchy guitar riff.


    03. Blackbirds - Mike's rapping is back! Finally get a taste of some old school mixed with new school, and it tastes good.


    04. Across the Line - I really like this sound, but the almost dance beat in the chorus completely takes away from the message of the song.


    05. Not Alone - Great song for the cause. Not so great just to listen to.

  2. six string song = six missions

    i don't know, but i related this


    but only on monday we will know about this

    6th String Song is just a name given to the demo by the LP community because in the Making of MTM DVD, there were 6 songs that had strings recorded for them during the MTM sessions. This was the 6th and only one we have not heard yet. The name '6th String Song' has nothing to do with the game. (The other string songs were Leave Out All the Rest, No Roads Left, Shadow of the Day, Hands Held High, and In Between. I think that is correct?)

  3. the song may have been thought of and labeled as a demo but that doesnt mean the 6SS was being made for the game. They probably thought hey lets finish this song up and throw it in the game as a bonus and incentive for people like us to buy the game. simple.

    That would make sense except the entire game is based around the song. PixxelKorp has stolen 'Blackbirrds' and separated it into six pieces (Conveniently one for each band member). After you get all six pieces, you beat the game and unlock the song.

  4. Great episode! I would post some stuff about the episode but I dunno if I would catch flak about revealing LPU exclusives..... ;)...well one thing..... "No More Sorrow" 8-Bit ROCKS!

  5. Here is a list of what I saw.


    - Frank Maddix is taking photos for album artwork.

    - Josh is backing up hard drives, thus probably the reason for free time on Ustream.

    - Brad Delson shows up for the first time on Ustream and he is his favorite guitarist.

    - Phoenix is playing bass in the background.

    - Fans asked for a full band shot on Ustream but Rob was taking a poo.

    - Joe Hahn is also rocking out on the bass and is really good. SURU is still there.

    - Mike and Chester wishes that Phoenix played bass like Joe.

    - Mike Shinoda has a shirt full of muscles and just got back from snowboarding.

    - Mike doesn't like Hot Cheetos and will not beat box for a certain fan.

    - Chester reads Shakespeare...and wins an Oscar.


    That's about it.

  6. Never complained the band doesn't do anything for the fans. Said this was somewhat of a wasted opportunity.

    I think the point was, if your going to complain about people not asking good questions, then sign up and ask questions yourself.


    It was a wasted opportunity, but I don't expect every surprise chat to be taken seriously. So I'm not upset that nothing new was learned from this chat. I'll just sign on next time and chat. LPU FTW!!! ;)

  7. he kinda is through chester go to his fbook page i think he tagged along with him during one of the japan tours and more...

    but im stoked for new JK.

    Yea. I've seen him and Chester hang out in a few of his videos. I meant Chruch needs to get in LP's studio and record. ;)

  8. I like the 'Tie Fighter' shirt, but LP needs to simplify their shirts. They go for this huge design that covers up the entire front of the shirt when one with just the 8-Bit LP characters across the front would look amazing. Some of my favorite band shirts have the simplest designs.


    Awesome chat w/ Mike. Wish I could have been there!!

  9. Last night, I was at a Three Days Grace concert and they used "Crawl Back In" and "Fire" during the intermission music between the bands. I also heard "Crawl Back In" on the radio on my way home. First time I have heard DBS played outside of my CD or Blackberry.

  10. Reanimation Style Remix of Last 2 Albums, Singles, and Hybrid Theory EP.


    01. G1vn U.P.

    02. F8nt

    03. Smwhr ! B3l0ng

    04. Ble3d 1T 0wt

    05. Ly1ng Fr0m.U

    06. Frm.teh.nside

    07. Nu|D!v!de

    08. N0 M0RE S4RR0W

    09. Dnt:Stay

    Bonus Track: And/1

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