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Posts posted by LPFreak64

  1. including Slash, Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington[/b][/i] and the aforementioned A-Trak. More recently he scored himself collaborations with Wu-Tang Clan mastermind RZA and Slipknot singer Corey Taylor (though not on the same track).

    Slash, Chester, AND Corey Taylor?!?! :blink: I might have to pick this up when it comes out.....

  2. And while he still maintains that LP will be doing their fair share of growing on the new record, it's important to know that they're also not ignoring their past — quite the opposite, in fact.


    And we've been working in a different studio than we did the last record in, we decided to go back to the studio we did Hybrid Theory and Meteora in," Shinoda said.


    This article contradicts itself with the "Linkin Park returning to their roots" and then it goes to Mike talking about how it's going to be completely different than anything they have done before. It's not really returning to their roots if they are making a whole new approach with themselves and the music. If the music is good though, that's all that matters to me.


    that's what I thought

    He means roots as in going back to the studio they did the first two albums in. ;)

  3. I personally think this is one of the best 'slow' LP songs. The did a great job on this and it is for a really great cause. For the person who said it was Chester (ft. M. Shinoda and J. Hahn), you are so wrong. The entire band is all over this entire track. Chester and Mikes vocals. Joe's samples at the beginning, bridge, and outro. Dave's soothing bass through the entire song. Brad is playing a clean guitar loop through the ENTIRE song in the background. Rob's amazing drumming as always. For 'slow' LP, can't get much better than this.

  4. From John Mayer's Twitter:


    Tune in to CNN tomorrow at 8pm EST for Larry King Live: Haiti: How You Can Help. I'll be contributing a tune from London.


    Maybe this is what they were talking about?

  5. I, of course, get the shows that I go to, Atlanta 07, Nashville 08, and Atlanta 08. The only other ones I download is when there is something different. Something unique over POA, BIO/SCoM, or when Joe kept sampling 'Leroy Jenkins' during the 08 Winter Arena Tour.

  6. So I guess that I'm the only one on this board that actually likes the Beatles? wow...

    I like a lot of their songs, and for their time, they were extremely ahead of the curve. Nowadays, people see the Beatles kinda as a fad or maybe even a clique. But, back on topic.....I'm glad my 2 copies went to good use....probably should go get another just for good measure before the new year/new decade comes around.

  7. So it pretty much boils down to the US Government accusing the billion-dollar owner (Dr. Henry T. Nicholas III) of L7 of several things (drugs, prostitution, and back-dating) but never having proof for any of them? And that's why Julien-K had to cancel their Europe Tour in 2008? They were stuck in the U.S. because the government froze them (they weren't allowed to leave the country) and they also wanted to stay and fight with their friend? Very interesting........

  8. My opinion on LPU9 is a little weird.


    It is, hands down, the *BEST* LPU package to date. 9 demos with 1 of them being a demo of a song we never got to hear. It's actual exclusive content this time (with apparently an awesome free download still waiting).


    That said, these aren't songs that I'll be blasting on my iPod anytime soon. And they shouldn't be, they're demos. Incomplete pieces of music.


    A lot of people have been giving Across The Line a lot of love. As an exclusive demo, I love it too. However, I can't agree with anyone saying it should have been on MtM (you In Between hater people! :P One of my favorite LP songs. THOSE lyrics are beautiful.), at least as the song is on this CD. I'm sure if the song had been completed and put on MtM the lyrics would have gone through some fine-tuning. "It's your time" is just filler. The song is extremely poppy, so as for the song itself, it's not going to be getting a bunch of plays from me.


    However, that isn't the point of LPU9. The point was to give us exclusives, things we've been asking for. And LP and the LPU fucking delivered.


    I hope you guys get the point I was trying to make. It's obviously the best LPU package we've gotten IMO. My favorites are Sad (seriously. awesome.) and Fear.

    +1 :D

  9. A.06 (Original Long Version 2002) - I really like this demo. Way better than the short demo we got on LPU 2.0. I feel like this song could write it's own lyrics. You can tell that the Linkin Park format is there and you can almost hear the words scream from the song. A-


    Faint (Demo 2002) - I LOVE the raw guitar. The new(old?) lyrics are amazing. Its sad that Chester's chorus isn't there, but I imagine there will be remixes with it in there soon enough. All in all, a great demo. A-


    Sad (By Myself Demo 1999) - This and one other song (we'll get to that later) are really the only low points of the CD. I enjoyed the intro on the song very much. I wish it was on the final version. The sound of the 'By Myself' is there but lack of a guitar makes it sound really weird and out of place. Its too short to get a good taste, but it is a unique and interesting look on the creation of 'By Myself'. C+


    Fear (Leave Out All The Rest Demo 2006) - Mike is AMAZING! I still prefer the final version's lyrics, only if Mike sang The chorus lyrics are my new favorite Linkin Park lyrics. The rapping aspect of the demo would have been great on the final version. 'Don na na na!' B+


    Figure.09 (Demo 2002) - This is definitely a more rocking version than the final version. I really like Chester's chorus, but the final version is way better. What really makes this song for me is Chester screaming 'No turning back!!!'. It sends it over the top for me. A-


    Stick N' Move (Runaway Demo 1998) - This is the other low point of the CD. I'm happy we have it but, it doesn't add much to the CD. One good thing about it is the sample in the middle of the track. It makes it a short but sweet instrumental. C-


    Across The Line (Unreleased 2007 Demo) - This is the best track on the CD. This is a key track MTM was missing along with 'NRL'. This should have replaced 'In Between' and 'NRL' replace 'Valentine's Day'. It kind of reminds me of 'In Pieces' but I'm not sure why. I can really hear the 'don na na na' in my head while listening. The scream is awesome! Great song! A+


    Drawing (Breaking The Habit Demo 2002) - This is a great instrumental version of 'BTH'. Several key differences make this a great demo. The long intro sets it apart from the final version. The drum beats toward the end sound a little spastic, but still cool. B+


    Drum Song (Little Things Give You Away Demo 2006) - Mike makes this song. His vocals are great and he should do a lot more singing in Linkin Park. The different drum beat is also sweet and adds a new twist to the song. I also like that the song doesn't really kick in till about a minute into the song. It really builds up the song. Great way to close out the CD. A-

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