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Everything posted by [AndOne]

  1. [AndOne]


    From the album: STP201402220303

  2. [AndOne]

    2014.06.12 Interlaken

    From the album: 20140612

  3. That has to be on your end, clear your cache. It's impossible because the favicon was replaced with the new one and it's the only one.
  4. it's been ten years that APFMH was played at Download, that's what he means.
  5. That is correct, the BR was not there this year.
  6. Yes that is the exact problem, it's not a matter of allowing, Download just doesn't live webcast stuff anymore. If LP would somehow pay for that I'm sure we would already know that by now. It's way more likely that we get something afterwards on the TV or radio than a live broadcast.
  7. [AndOne]


  8. [AndOne]


    From the album: 20010504

  9. [AndOne]


    From the album: 20010504

  10. [AndOne]


  11. [AndOne]


    From the album: 20001201

  12. [AndOne]


    From the album: 20080122

  13. [AndOne]


    From the album: 20080122

  14. [AndOne]

    2008.01.22 Paris 2

    From the album: 20080122

  15. [AndOne]

    2008.01.22 Paris

    From the album: 20080122

  16. [AndOne]


    From the album: 20140607

  17. [AndOne]

    2014.06.07 Rock Am Ring

    From the album: 20140607

  18. I think that they just don't like that people are watching, cause that usually doesn't happen. People came in right when they started the song. I think it looks like that they actually aborted it.
  19. Something I noticed for the very first time, since the music video has the song including the outro, and the topic of the song and video is death, that the baby cry at the very end means that the life cycle repeats. Never saw it that way before. I think the video is nice, not super awesome but good enough, better than a random video without the band.
  20. 17 hours and about 30 minutes left from now on. Damn, I just realized that's how long it will take until I seem them today at RaR, I barely slept, fuuck that's going to be hard.
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