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Posts posted by [AndOne]

  1. That's right but Brad for example still produces/engineers most of the LP songs, an album is band product. They all have they their input on it someway, even if it's just an opinion or just a blessing that they like it, that's probably the difference.

    If they only credit those 4 it's for a reason, maybe they were not interested or didn't care to work on music for the movie, or wanted to take time off, or work on THP, who knows.

    Maybe they didn't want the soundtrack to be a band product, more as a side project that it doesn't interfere with the "real" LP music.


    The track is great, the 2nd part is a bit weird since we haven't heard it yet. Just take it for what it is, why do we always have to compare it to X and Y when something new comes out? It also happens when a LPU CD drops when there are some real songs on it.

    I can really understand that with Living Things but Hunting Party is more than a solid record. it's raw and heavy, that's not something that we all expected at this point especially after Living Things.

  2. I'm pretty sure everything there is about Grey Daze has been asked and is covered by the "Grey Daze Story". I honestly think those kind of interviews are always super awkward anyway when you only ask a musician about stuff that happened like 20 years ago.


    I think the only stuff that would we really need to know from Marc is, is what Astat already suggested. Like I pointed out above this one is a little awkard as well if you ask someone like him only about a project he did 15 years ago lol. Questions about current projects always seem so forced. Anyways, I hope that he reveals some details even though I have my doubts about that.

  3. For future reference, just because a random person says something is ok to post, doesn't mean that it actually is. Please wait for someone from the staff to respond to this next time. No warning given though.


    I removed the link because it's just too damn close to the original file. I would have accepted it if this had the restored extended outro or intro. Sorry.

  4. And many excerpts from Wroclove! Maybe they record full show and this will be next Live Album? :3

    Nah, no way, looks like just something that MTV recorded.



    Yeah. Well, they kind of did, when they were talking about how they basically chased Winter around the globe and how everyone was exhausted and miserable after the HT tour.

    The 300 shows "fact" is completely untrue, I think I've explained it at least 2 times in detail on this board before. It's roughly 300 shows for all the 1998 to 2001 shows we know about combined. 300 shows in 1 year is also completely impossible, especially touring worldwide.

    The winter thing is true for the most part but they also spent a good 3 months in the US in the summer in 2001.

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