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Posts posted by [AndOne]

  1. That's related to something else and for fucks sake, I'm not the maybe guy anymore, at least not in the way how this status came by Nick and Jonas a few years ago! :D


    It still cracks me up when I see one of these outside:




    Anyways, interesting rumor, we'll know for sure soon enough I guess.


    I have a Samsung Galaxy S4, and the only thing that bothers me is having to search through Google lplive and wait for it to load and all that..

    Like I said the easiest solution for that is just to add a bookmark in your browser, that should be possible. An app would be loading too.

  3. Where have they said they can do anything they want under WB?

    Not literally anything, but they said that in terms of their music, they had creative freedom on at least their last 2 albums, they did what they wanted and the label liked it.

    Is there any possibility that LPL create a mobile application? I'm sick of having to go into google from my phone and search for LPL. And worst of all is that always appear bugs.

    What phone/browser are you using? What kind of bugs are you experiencing?


    We can't help you with your problem at all if you don't specific it and if you do please post it into the bug report, that it can be handled properly, this is not the right place.


    With 5.0 we decided that it was enough to have a proper mobile version of the site, and so far I can't recall anyone having major problems with it. We also don't have anyone in our team to do such an app, also we'd have to make an app for all the different systems apple, android, windows, it's just not worth the trouble and just means extra work for us and even money if we have to hire someone to do it.

    I did most of the coding modifications of the mobile site and was only able to test it myself on an iphone with the safari browser.

    Why do you have to google lplive? I have it bookmarked and can access it quickly, on the iphone you can add a website to your homescreen just like an app for example.

  4. It doesn't really matter how many albums they have left on this contract, I doubt that they would leave Warner anyway, why would they even do that? It works well for them, and they've repeatedly said that they can do pretty much anything they want at this point and they are doing it. They have their own management, they manage themselves.

    People still seem to think if they were to leave Warner and go independent, would free them from Satan's cage and would totally change the band. That's just what the people want, not what's actually going to happen.

  5. Here's a download unless they provide a download link on their own or somehow release this officially




    01. Interstate Love Song (Acoustic)

    02. Big Empty (Acoustic)

    03. Pretty Penny (Acoustic)



    Stone Temple Pilots - Arizona Acoustic Set.zip 22.1 MB


    Source: YouTube > aac > mp3 (256kbit/s)

    Fully tagged with artwork

  6. I guess they won't do a tour in July, I'm pretty sure they always announced stuff in order. Since they just announced Europe I doubt that they would announce a tour happening before that.

    My guess is that STP will finish their album during that time, I doubt that they are done until the April tour. Maybe they play a few new songs. Maybe they do a (world) tour for that new album after Europe, which prevents LP from rescheduling the canceled US tour in the new future. It has to be something like that.


    They whole deal about May/June makes no sense either touring wise, I mean they have to hire the LP crew for 2 months for less than 10 shows? Or in other words everyone in the crew has to be available during that time and can't go on tour with different bands.

    Maybe those festivals have priority sales, if those do well enough they announce more shows around the festivals. They could easily play some headline shows here and there, especially after a canceled tour.

  7. Do I suck at math or was the pre-sale email sent over 30 minutes after the Rome pre-sale already started? It says 12 pm for the presale and I got the email at 12:36 pm, is that right?

    I seriously hate this system, they keep doing it and it's just fucked up. While I appreciate the presale and understand that it has to be a few days before the public sale, WHY do they have to confirm the shows and do the presale not only the same day but also within HOURS of the show confirmation? I think this is very unfair, how is someone working or going to school able to do this? If you avoid the internet for one day you completely miss it.

    I slept a lot longer today because I'm sick and I missed a complete show announcement and the start of the presales, what the hell.

  8. I think the real question is, if he's making new music would it be still "Fort Minor"? Would it be still the same members? This was 10 years ago, a lot has changed. The music Mike did in the last few years was more electronic/pop than hip-hop. 2005 was a very different phase for him and the band. I don't think it will be a simple part 2 what most people are hoping for apparently.

  9. Very nice new interpretation of the song.


    As Astat pointed out before this was likely recorded at a studio. Maybe the Machine Shop performance inspired them to record the songs properly. There's just no way this was recorded at Machine Shop unless they have a proper studio, Mike's place seems much more likely. If you look at the LOATR video, they don't even use microphones, just like the summit performances.


    I wonder if they really did this before the tour, wasting potential time for rehearsals or if they did this in the past weeks because the tour was canceled...

  10. Apparently the real limit seems to be 64MB, which is caused by the php configuration. Since 100MB is pretty big for an attachment you should upload it somewhere else anyway, sorry for that.


    Another problem I noticed is that I can't open any of your attachments, I'm not entirely sure what's causing this but when I look up attachments it says that yours are not assigned to a topic, whatever that means. The two problems might be connected.

  11. http://lplive.net/shows/julienk0809




    when you access the Montreal 2008 JK show from the guide, it redirects to the LP Milton Keynes page for some reason.

    It does that because the link is wrong, the correct one has a J at the end, it's all correctly linked up That's something IPB specific that the end part of the link has to be unique. How did you even get this link, did you enter it manually?

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