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About raulgabi

  • Birthday 08/29/1995

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  1. 1. Numb 2. Somewhere I Belong 3. Don't Stay 4. Runaway 5. Lost In The Echo +1 Crawling
  2. I find it interesting that there aren't any new registered song titles in the BMI website.....
  3. I want Take Away My Pride, that Meteora demo with drums and piano from the DVD, Ammosick and Left Right from the ATS-era.
  4. Second that.
  5. Actually, yeah. Maybe because I'm more into electronic rock then Hard Rock or anything like those. I hope Living Things was just a one-time only thing. I don't want "Rock" LP. I want experimental "We don't care how does it sounds like, if we like it then it's us" LP. And there's still a lot of potential in electronic stuff.
  6. Some say they played No More Sorrow......
  7. They dropped the two best thing from the set, The Catalyst and the Ballad Medley and didn't even played something special. Congratulations Linkin Park, you did it again.
  8. Chester sound very "Mark-ish" in Slip and in Esaúl. And different from the other demos from that era.
  9. Yeah, Mike said a few years before that there aren't any Xero-era stuff except the tape, Esaúl and Pictrureboard. And then Coal came out of nowhere.......And then Slip. So I don't trust Mike and the band in these things anymore except Chester.
  10. But we don't even know if they played that song. Same goes for Coal.
  11. Hm. Xero Tape: 12:28 Esaúl and Slip: 6:30 Coal?: 3:30 = 22,28 min
  12. I would ask them to play these ones: A Place For My Head Carousel What I’ve Done Burn It Down In The End Reading My Eyes The Catalyst Blackout Now this is a mix bitween the old and the new
  13. Probably it was like that ITE vs APFMH situation at one of the shows. I still have hopes for the show.
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