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Doris The Spider

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About Doris The Spider

  • Birthday 09/26/1988

Previous Fields

  • LP Shows Attended
    July 18, 2008 Post-Gazette Pavilion, Pittsburgh, PA

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Johnstown, PA
  • Interests
    Music, US Politics, US History, Geography

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661 profile views
  1. I'm so sick of In The End. Even though I don't see them live much, I'd be ok with them dropping it for a while.
  2. I'll be there and I'm going to the summit. This. is. GREAT!
  3. Exactly what I thought!
  4. I can't sleep. Too excited. K, decided I'll buy it soon regardless of just buying LPUX. I can't wait. But I'll do it tomorrow. It's 2am.
  5. THIS
  6. Yeah, I kept putting it off because I didn't know if it was worth it. I've always been out of the loop with LPU. I think I might buy it now anyway. *sigh*
  7. I just bought LPUX in August. I hate to buy this one now but I can't wait. I NEED IT.
  8. For me it doesn't matter. I don't bought them. When I saw them in 2008 I bought the recording for that, but I don't wouldn't buy any if I didn't go to the shows. I mean if other people want them for the shows they went to and they didn't have them, I would be pissed that I didn't get one. I was so happy when that they had mine because now I can relive that concert forever.
  9. I love it! It sounds so epic!
  10. WHY DO WE HAVE TO LOG IN?!?! In that case I'm not voting.
  11. Finally. I love this video though.
  12. I found the whole performance on youtube but they are censored. I'm so frustrated with this. I think I found all the videos on YouTube even unedited. This makes me happy now I can download them.
  13. I wouldn't say their stuff is soft rock. I would rather hear hard rock not soft rock. I hate almost all of today's rock because it is too soft, but if LP was then I would hate their new new stuff and I don't.
  14. Last time I checked, no. I need a different way to download it though because nothing anyone has posted is something I can use. I tried converting the file too and that didn't work.
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