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Posts posted by Chesterchaz

  1. I'm sure one can't judge "Blackout" by that LPTV episode yet. Yeah the screams are great and the rap part is kinda cool, but Ana heard the full thing and not just some 'demo clip' so don't make a final judgement about that song already^^


    I'm excited anyway, I want to hear these screams in full (and mastered) quality.

  2. Fixed the total lenght of the album, by adding all the track lenghts together you actually get 47:41. Thanks to the LPA for the hint (also calculated it myself to check if it's correct^^). This means the Japanese bonus track 'New Divide (Live)' has to be 4:54.

  3. Fake.

    Too many short songs. Fake

    Do you really think that an online shop has nothing else to do than faking the track lenghts on a track listing?^^ While we have to wait for other shops/sources to confirm this, I assume these are the correct lenghts.
  4. All in all the interview/conference was not that interesting, with some funny party of course, about 30 minutes long. Seems like many were 'shocked' after listening the album, but that doesn't mean it's bad or good yet. Mike asked "how many of you were shocked or freaked out after listening to the album?"^^


    The german interview-kitty didn't translate very good... I'm sure they said german zoos are different because the animals are speaking german, yet she translates the american animals are speaking german.


    Don't know if the video will be available on the ARD Mediathek, so I recorded the audio of it in case someone's interested: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KLYYNME7


    Mike signed Teagan's (if I'm correct, but I think she showed it to me once) tattoo on her foot, pretty cool! Unfortunately a screenshot didn't work, lol.

  5. Mark becoming nostalgic? ^^


    Oh yeah Berlin 2001 must've been one epic-as-hell show! I obtained the pressed bootleg like 6 years ago and it's always been one of my favorite shows. The energy is awesome and it's captured very well, plus 9/11 making this a very special concert. I always thought the 'Chester talking'-part was cool and first seen it on YouTube some months ago, and thought it's even cooler to have a video of it.


    I think in another interview they mentioned the crowd was actually louder than the PA at that show.


    Fucking Fucked Up The Entire World!

  6. Well, I think you're talking about the same thing. On the clean version these two tracks are labeled as CLEAN, which lead us to believe that only these 2 tracks have explicit lyrics. Your screenshot shows the EXPLICIT, thus the two tracks are labeled as explicit. The rest of the album has no cussing at all, so there's no nead of a clean or explicit version.



  7. The best is for me ALEX MCMILLAN!!! What a pity that he isnt on the list....But Track 10 is the best on the list!

    The LPLive contest is only for people who didn't enter the official contest, due to being too young or living in a country that isn't allowed by the rules.


    The remixes 10, 11 and 12 were the best I think. Voted for #10.

  8. Hmm, generally I'm very excited for this record. And I don't even want anything we've heard before, so I'm open for a change in style, I'd like some electronic influences. But reading these reviews I don't really know what to think...


    No guitar is heard before the third minute. Chester repeats many times, "I'm losing what I do not deserve".

    That reminds me of TLTGYA, Linkin Park was/is very proud of that song and announced it as the most complex work they've done or something like that. And in the end... it was just boring (in my opinion). Still, a good song, but nothing I would/could listen to over and over again.


    So I'm wondering if this album will be 'catchy' enough, hmm. But one can't judge by just reading a review of half of the album^^

  9. The number of songs on Reanimation has *nothing* to do with the number of songs ATS will have, please end that discussion. Also, since the songs seem to be longer as on previous albums, a 12-track album doesn't really mean it's 'short' anymore (12x 4:30min = 54min for example).

  10. "An amusing detail, we note that the piano part that comes at the end of the piece bears a resemblance to the song "Le Grand Secret" iwith Indochine and Melissa Auf Der Maur!"

    Just checked that out and the songs (the piano parts) do sound a bit similar, although I can hardly believe that this 2002 song from a french pop.rock-group influenced The Catalyst. Most likely just a coincidence^^



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