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  1. Why do you hate yourself?
  2. 2DVDs: one with the full show, another with the extras. I can see it happening
  3. Unpopular opinion here: I didn't like when in 2012 the band started their "legacy era". I knew the leiv motiv of Living Things, but for me was like telling people "you were right, our old stuff was better, forgive us, here's what you want". And this band has always taken risk even though sometimes I didn't like the result. They want to make room for new songs replacing old ones? That's perfect for me. This is the From Zero era, it won't be another one.
  4. I guess they will cut some song for the theatrical release but please, we want the full show UNCUT, we don't need another Road To Revolution situation. Fuck, they could have recorded some extra songs at another stop of that tour if they really wanted to give us real bonus tracks... #AngrySince2008
  5. I don't know why they scrapped it, besides the GATS fiasco, the show was pretty rad (yes, I know about the DJ set). I guess that Warner said to them: "We're not gonna to release that DVD from your worst selling record." The 2017 O2 arena show would probably been the opposite but we all know what happened...
  6. YES. When they were planning the release of Meteora 20 they'd probably guess that the hype would be big, perhaps a little bit more than in Hybrid Theory 20, since they weren't grieving at that time and the world had just assumed that Chester was gone for good. But Lost makes a massive impact and the hype completely explodes in a way no one could have predicted. So yeah, the Already Over single was a way to cool down the ambience and makes us believe that Mike is keeping up with the 2020/22 route and nothing interesting is going to happen soon. We wouldn't turn our attention to LP and let them work in the shadows.
  7. To be honest, this is quite the Saudi Arabia show, a "bonus" show where I don't expect anything really interesting but looking forward to the next tour length
  8. Perhaps Emily has some troubles with it (even Chester had them!) or she isn't a big fan of the song. I like the song being played so soon and sung by majority of the crown. That's refreshing for me
  9. If Friendly Fire got its shot early just because of Papercuts, THIS is the place to debut Qwerty. Mike can't play fool this time, he knows we really want it
  10. So he was the main archivist of the band when basically nobody would care about LP's recordings? Truly amazing
  11. Didn't knew of his existence before but... What a bummer
  12. Great post. Hope you have fun today!!
  13. For me OML was a bad album. Not because it has mellow pop songs (MTM anybody?), but because for the first time in their career the songs sounded generic and impersonal (despite the lyrics). Having to hire outside writers, the fact that after year and a half they had only finished 10/12 songs that in another era of the band, they would have been automatically dismissed on the early phases, makes me think the band had a creative block at that time, but after beating the bush for some time, they had to come up with something for Warner, which I suppose wasn't very happy with THP. I know, this is just a wild guessing from my part but this is what this era sounds to me PS: Although the tour was one of the best in many years, to be honest.
  14. And that's why I didn't like to have and official live release (Sao Paulo) so soon in the tour. Songs are not reaching yet it's full potential
  15. No as far as we know
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