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About dangersilent

  • Birthday 06/19/1987

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    too many to count

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    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Interests
    Danger Silent<br />Autumns Fall<br />Linkin Park

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  2. and one in his mouth hes begging for it so bad

  3. Someone should photoshop two d!cks into Chris' hands.

  4. You guys are fucking hilarious. LoL If only you could see the people you're talking to...and all the people that wonder how any set of people can be such doushebags? You really spent that time screen capturing all those comments? ROFL Dude...you losers need to get off your computer and go breathe in some fresh air. You're a bunch of idiots who don't have one musical bone in their body. Sorry...I've played classical piano since i was 4...guitar since i was 11...and now I'm 23...do the math. Stop being a bunch of pussy's...here...i have a better idea. PM me your addresses, and I'll visit you on our next tour, and we'll see what you have to say to us to our faces. I'm doubting that your going to say shit to me...or especially to our new manager lol. He'll break your skulls. Anyway...Alex...I'm not swaying people from voting for you...I said if you do vote for us instead of him...that'd be cool. And by the way...you fucking lie, cause you pm'd me saying that you voted for me...then I see on the forums you saying you voted for some other dude...when in reality, I bet you voted for yourself. Legend...I thought you were cool in the beggining, but now we all think your a god damned nerd. Who gets this angry about a fucking drunk pissed-off post. Like really...I check this once every day or two...and you guys have like 30 posts in between ranting about how you GODS of these forums...like anyone gives a fuck lmao. Get a life. - Chris now my gf wants to say something... How can you people even call yourself Linkin Park fans, or even fans of music in general? All you do is attack someone who attacks you? That is pretty hypocritical, since you guys like using that word so much. It's funny...you told him to use his own lyrics? He purposely did not use his own lyrics, because he knew you faggot nerds would complain about it. We even talked about it. You want to hear his lyrics? Go to their myspace and listen to his music. They are amazing. They don't swear, they don't talk about anything stupid, they just talk about how to make your lives better...and Chris writes pretty much all of them. And you attack his voice? You and I both know he is a great singer...better than most. He was saying his vocal pattern fit the song better than their sound clip did...he didn't say he's a better singer than Chester...even though in my opinion he is. He loves Chester. And knows him pretty well. He owns Club Tattoo, and we go there from time to time and hang out with him. So stop attacking about stupid bs, when your the morons instigating it. - Marissa (ok Nick's turn) Don't hate...don't be jealous. It's ok that you aren't talented...and have to resort to sitting on forums instead of playing music. You are a blip on our radar of life, that lasts for a couple seconds. You don't matter. Ok, now I'm off to the recording studio, goodbye. - Nick sigh. retards.
  5. thanks! we apprecaite it =] i just finished covering What I've Done all by myself lol...cause i was bored. it'll be up in a couple days...sounds pretty cool. hope you guys enjoy it
  6. Oh man! No way...our remix doesn't fit with the rules? Damn...I was going to start being nice, but HOW MANY MORE TIMES IS SOMEONE GOING TO SAY THAT!? WE DON'T CARE ABOUT WINNING! JUST WANTED TO MAKE SOMETHING FOR ALL OF YOU TO ENJOY! jesus sorry. damn
  7. wait... you said you voted for us alex... lol and to the Indian dude... nothing you ever do could ever effect me in any way whatsoever. you're about as useful as as a poopstain in my toilet bowl. haha
  8. Thank you, and I respect your opinion. And I'm glad you can hear music. I'm not an ass, I just speak the truth man. That is all. But I'm done argueing. I was a little drunk, and that's that. Oh well. @Rocky -- THANK YOU FOR STATING WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY! Completely in agreeance with you! @Anjum_Agony.In.Disguise -- Now...the only beef we have is with you. You arrogant little indian pussy. Listen up...don't be sad because we own any band you've ever listened to (yup now I'm saying what you say I'm saying). It's funny how you guys twist my words around. Ya comment our web-design art, which I did since I'm a web-designer, and it only took me less than 10 minutes. You're an idiot dude. It's ok that you've never had a girlfriend, but don't take it out on me that the closest thing to you in your life...is your hand. You better hope I never meet you in real life. "when someone does a job that is accepted by many people, and this is one of those cases, the remix of Alex is accepted by many fans of LP" - another thing i was getting at. it's just accepted because of all the other songs this kid covers for linkin park...which i said clearly ARE GOOD! jesus. and alex...if you voted for us, thanks. i was just heated cause i was drunk and pissed. but still, i dont care about winning...so if you somehow move to the US in the next week and win this thing...I WILL CONGRATULATE YOU. BUT!!!!!! .........i still think your mix's vocals are off and needs a ton of work. then again so might ours....i just wanted to gain exposure like that one guy said earlier, to get LP to hear the mix. I could give a fuck less about meeting them, because I have met them 3508930593903 times...Chester owns the Club Tattoo right next to where i live and i used to hang out with him there all the time. And I don't give a shit about $1,000 anyway. and im going out to LA tomorrow...so i guess i just won the contest already huh? yeyyyyy....not. anyway, that's my reasoning. love all you haters too -chris
  9. Dude...I wasn't going to respond to you, but this is my last one. You are talking to someone who works with the producers of Jamie Foxx, Head from Korn, Flotsam and Jetsam, Primus, and more. I have engineered and produced for Disney and Warner with Nick, who is also in my band...so to claim that our "mix" is bad, is just out-and-out stupid. If you don't like our song, that's one thing...but don't talk shit about our mix lol. I mean, I know our song is good, but if you don't thats fine. I can tell you're probably like 16, and don't know what you're talking about. What's the 3:1 Principle...? What's better a Neumann u87 or Rode NT1? Exactly. Now stop talking before you know what you are talking about. You are judging people's songwriting, not their "mixing". buhbye now
  10. lol you guys are funny. re-read the post, i say we put all our passion and effort into it. we use chord structures that made sense...and the vocals ARE ON TIME! his mix, the vocals aren't even on time, the mix sounds terrible, and didn't really do anything creative. but it's whatever. i was making a point that it's funny with somewhere around 1,000 votes...these little kids are still coming back and winning with self-promotion by changing their e-mails and using bots. i agree with what someone said on the actual lp forums...they need to use the stormcloud way for contests where people can't cheat. it's just lame. if you like that better, that's your opinion. but u have a few members of different bands, and producers in a studio right now watching me type this, that have listened to all these different remixes...laughing, at how idiotic the world can be, and how blind they can be to good music. i like ALL kinds of music. but they said they wanted it to be like LINKIN PARK and be catchy, and give your own creative edge to it...they did not say make it a hiphop or techno song. they want a real live mainstream song. thats what we did, and i put a lot of effort into those vocals, and it was great doing it. i could give a crap less about winning. i just think you need wake up and listen to good music. if you love linkin park so much, how can let someone make a mockery of it?? i'm a terrible person? i make music for people who want to have better lives...to help people strive to be better people...not to shit on people's music lol. for instance, stop people from killing themselves. go listen to our music, and lyrics, you'll understand. and as for his subscribers....um...check our myspace, we have over 22,000 on ours, and Jambonie, who is backing us and promoting has way over 100,000 friends on theirs...plus i just deleted my myspace with over 3 million friends. so dont give me that. i know how online promoting works better than most. i also can detect e-mail phishers and when someone is using bots. if you want, i'll ip trace him to get his e-mails he is using... and sorry about the double post, that was my bad..forgot to edit. won't happen again =X
  11. How was that speaking highly of ourselves...we were a huge band that broke up and is getting back together under a different name. LoL we have so many people backing us legitimately instead of fake voting for ourselves. We have huge myspaces and promotion companies telling our fans and their's to vote for us...but this little english kid and these tehcno remixing weirdos keep pulling ahead of us? If that's not rigged...I don't know what is. It would be nice to have a fair contest where anything goes. Sorry we thought the most outside the box and didn't put breakdowns throughout the whole song, or make it dubstep or techno, and actually made a melody with VOCALS ON TIME! OMG YOU CAN PUT VOCALS ON TIME!?!?!? That's unheard of...in this contest at least. Love you too. bye. And better still...what is your signature? (that would be a better question) rofl...looks like some retard scribbled a sharpie in blood.
  12. im sorry. but im sick of this. alex, sorry, but your mix isnt good. your other shit is pretty cool, for the most part. but your catalyst remix has terrible background chords, off-time vocals, and doesnt flow well at all. and stop cheating with fake e-mail accounts, its ridiculous. there is no way you can top 200,000 friends on myspace voting for us (which you don't have). it's making this contest lame to not see who the real winners are with all these little teenagers voting for themselves and getting their friends to make fake e-mails too. if you want to hear a real mix, where there is no bs, just creativity, and passion...then listen to ours and vote for it if you dig it. if not vote for someone else. just hope you enjoy it. oh and f*ck the rules of the contest. WE DONT CARE! thank you. <3 -chris http://www.indabamusic.com/submissions/show/22104 - VOTE FOR US HERE - MUSIC VIDEO
  13. You got my vote. Good luck!

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