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Posts posted by LPlover

  1. I guess I'll take a shot at making my own ANALysis Anality style


    A Thousand Suns: (Analyzed by Anality... anally)


    1. "The Requiem" - GLaDOS


    2. "The Radiance" - creepy scientist talks about stuff for awhile


    3. "Burning in the Skies" - Mike has deadwood, lol dysfunction


    4. "Empty Spaces" - 18 secs (lol secs)


    5. "When They Come for Me" - "a tough one to swallow" thats what she said


    6. "Robot Boy" - this song was probably about an anatomically correct android that was created as a pleasure model


    7. "Jornada del Muerto" - Mike singing in Japanese probably in reference to his heritage


    8. "Waiting for the End" - Mike tries some weed (which explains his accent) and Chester tries to forget doing things hes not proud of


    9. "Blackout" - Chester screaming after being date raped which is why the song is called Blackout and why the song begins with I'm stuck in the bed you made.


    10. "Wretches and Kings" - the song starts off with Mario Savio explaining how to use a vibrator. Mike raps about some stuff and Chester sings about LP being "Animals that take control"


    11. "Wisdom, Justice, and Love" - Martin Luther King talks like a malfunctioning robot (could he have been the Robot Boy?)


    12. "Iridescent" - The most powerful song on the album


    13. "Fallout" - transition into The Catalyst


    14. "The Catalyst" - "The sins of our hand" that is all


    15. "The Messenger" - LP's first song about love itself

    Best analysis ever :lol:
  2. Update :


    Favorite LP album? A Thousand Suns

    Favorite LP song? Iridescent

    Favorite LP lyrics? Waiting for the End and Hands Held High

    Favorite Hybrid Theory song? In The End

    Favorite Meteora song? Easier To Run

    Favorite Minutes to Midnight Song? Leave Out All The Rest

    Favorite A Thousand Suns song? Iridescent

    Favorite Live CD? Live In Texas

    Least Favorite LP album? Hybrid Theory

    Least Favorite LP song? In Between

    Least Favorite LP lyrics? Love them all :D

    Least Favorite Hybrid Theory song? Cure For The Itch

    Least Favorite Meteora song? Session

    Least Favorite Minutes to Midnight song? In Between

    Least favorite A Thousand Suns Song? Robot Boy

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