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Posts posted by Kirstie

  1. I found it really interesting. Thank you for those clips, hopefully one day I'll be able to watch the whole thing.


    I know the bits I've seen were taken out of context of the whole film and the point of it but it was still a little annoying.... dear mister man, if you're in a 'regular' job you can't just 'go ask your boss for a raise' !!! [/mini rant]

  2. Really not going to buy it, I can't even afford to rejoin LPU right now!


    It is what it is, I probably would have bought it a few years ago when I had no financial commitments, I don't doubt people will snap them up because there's always someone that can.


    I feel fairly secure in my 'mega-fan' status without having to own this!


    In comparison to other musicians/bands LP are still good value for money.


    I shall buy the CD.


    (Also my bf would just despair if I tried to display a 'crystal ball' in our house)

  3. Love it!!!


    I'm very excited, I haven't heard the remixes that were available last year as I'm not that interested by them (not at the right computer to download them to my itunes mostly).


    However, having said that, a whole album of them does excite me, something new I can put in my car is great!!! And I trust Mike to give me good shit.


    A lot of fans don't have the access to the Linkin Park world we have so this is a way of getting the remixes to them too.


    Happy Saturday people!

  4. I think that's just the price unless they give out a discount code.


    I wonder what shipping costs would be to the UK?


    When I bought Mike's remix DC shoes (years and years ago) I also had to pay a £12 import fee on top of the colossal cost of the shoes* so ever since I'd get LPU Merch sent to me via an american friend who would rebox to look like a present. ^_^




    *totally worth it, still have both pairs and love them to death

  5. I was very impressed with the article and with Mike.


    The eloquence of the article surprised me, I don't know why since we all know Mike is very inteligent but it did, he really is one of those annoying guys that's good at everything.


    I particularly liked the part about rock bands needing to align with one another, I'm sick of bitchyness in rock.



    It also annoys me how people talk about Nu-Metal as if it's AIDS. I LIKED Nu-Metal when I was a teenager! I still like listening to Nu-Metal in a nostalgic way! And to me LP used to be Nu-Metal, they aren't now, clearly, but HT and Meteora were what I would class as Nu-Metal!

  6. Yes!!! Please don't stop the coverage! I'm relying on you guys since it all happens while I'm in bed!


    I'm a sort of STP fan (I listen to Thank You- their greatest hits) but generally only knew about Scott so it's all kind of interesting to follow and keeps me entertained in the LP lull.


    Also, I'm always generally interested in anything LP does (I once dragged a friend round Melrose ave looking for Suru- totally not worth it)


    But I agree with Skipees, I think the album will bump interest too

  7. It was awesome, The Spiral, NIN's fan club were involved somehow too, I can't remember much except I apparent 'died in a concentration camp in Guam' !!! It was super intricate.


    I'm not sure I'd like it if LP replicated it, it'd have to be quite different to really excite me.

  8. The Resistance??!??


    This is horribly similar to the Nine Inch Nails Year Zero ARG that happened a few years ago.


    The video looks the same style and they actually left USB drives for fans to find at shows.


    They also did a secret show for their fan club and were "raided" at the end by some kind of military!


    Haven't the LPU just emailed about people in LA area?



  9. http://lplive.net/shows/20060815.php

    I don’t really know if this is relevant or important but during the Sendai show in Japan in 2006 Anna – Mike’s wife took his guitar out to him which took Mike by surprise and he introduced her as his new guitar tech. I think it was between Numb and From The Inside.

    Also Phoenix smoked during the show and Brad told him off.

    There's already quite a lot of notes for this show.

  10. I don't think I'd wear that tank top, not exactly an exciting colour is it?


    Ten years ago they had a great LPU strappy top/fitted girls hoodie which I loved/lived in and I would probably still wear now if it still fit or hadn't faded.


    What's the price for the bundle? I'm not in the LPU at the moment, it ran out in July and I can't afford to renew yet.

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