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About HT_lash

  • Birthday 04/18/1994

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  1. After a long wait, From Zero is finally here. I fell asleep listening to it and woke up listening to it again. I'm so happy that Linkin Park is back. I can say that, for me, it's the best since Living Things. If I had to list favorite songs to least favorite, this would be it (but it will certainly change as I listen to it). Two Faced The Emptiness Machine Stained Heavy is the crown Good Things Go IGYEIH Over Each Other Casualty Overflow Cut the Bridge
  2. After decades, they finally decided to release a 100% Nu Metal sound. Of the songs that came out (I haven't listened to the album yet), this is definitely my favorite!
  3. The album leaked, but I'll only listen to it on Friday, when it comes out. However, I ended up listening to "Two Faced" and it's simply AWESOME!!! I'm anxious to listen to the full album!
  4. I just watched the show, some songs don't go well with Emily, while others are wonderful. Chester was really unique, but it's good to see the band kicking ass again. I believe that at some point in "Mike solo" he will sing "Already Over"... I'm really hoping for that.
  5. I never liked Ivo or his cover, I always thought he was bland and had no energy at all. Thank God LP didn't opt for a bad Chester cosplay.
  6. Mike and Brad have always been the main songwriters, they're still there, that's enough for me.
  7. I would like SBD's to come back in this new era with Emily...
  8. I'm glad to hear "my life, my pride is broken" by POA being sung, I don't even know the last time this was sung at an LP show by Chester... maybe 2007?
  9. over 2 hours of show!!! this is going to be crazy!!! Note: Does anyone know what the longest show in LP's history was to date?
  10. When the first news came out earlier this year that LP was coming back to play shows, the information was that it was just Mike, Joe and Dave there, so I don't think this decision was made at the last minute.
  11. Emily is WONDERFUL! Great choice!
  12. I have no doubt that it is Mike Could I be wrong? Yes, but I doubt it
  13. It seems I didn't choose my words well... I'm not complaining, nor am I thinking it's bad or hating it. I thought there would be something more than just an image, but I already knew there wouldn't be, but I still wanted to create expectations. I'm looking forward to the 5th and happy with the band's possible return. Anyway, that's it...
  14. I agree with you. It's better to have someone permanent in the band. Keeping just the 5 guys would be great, but it wouldn't work live. It's impossible to sing Given Up, for example, with just Mike on vocals and having guest appearances wouldn't give the band any seriousness.
  15. You're not wrong, but at the end of that second timer, I expected something more
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