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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. If someone has already said this then excuse me for not wanting to read 109 comments.


    This doesn't mean the album will be out soon, most bands have teaser tours before the release of their next album. It's to like build the anticipation and spread it, so this tour doesn't mean the album will be out before October, because it could be out after. Maybe around Christmas and New Year.



    You'll be able to catch Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes on TV a few times this summer. VH1 will premiere a half hour version of Linkin Park's 2008 concert performance on July 9th at 11pm. The full show will premiere on Palladia on July 10th at 9pm and will repeat again at midnight and July 11th at 1pm. Check your local listings.


    If you don't have Palladia or can't watch it, you can always buy the DVD HERE.

  3. International? Hell yeah! Really looking forward to that, I've never taken part in any giveaways, but I'll try my luck this time and I hope I manage to win something. :)

    Don't even try, I got this one.

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