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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. Maybe a new single...hopefully from the new album?

    Whatever, as long as it is not a physical thing, the fans will go on leaking the stuff....

    I wouldn't mind that, but I also wouldn't mind if it was something physical.

  2. What I mean by a poll feature is essentially allowing users to create polls. They used to be regularly featured on forums / message boards, however they have been seeming to fade as of lately. With that said, upon 2nd thinking the idea, it may prove to be kinda useless, but an idea none the less.

    But we all know the feature exists, and they can't make the users have polls either.

  3. I'm guessing the prizes have something to do with Fort Minor or SOB because of the thread title and SoBCentral retweeting this on Twitter.


    So I guess the fansites are LPL, LPA, and SOBCentral?

    Oohh possibly.

  4. New titles, thats a good idea thanks for bringing that up.


    Poll feature for what exactly?

    Maybe just a poll on the main site we can vote on, you could have a new one each week maybe?


    Is that what you mean't cstebila?

  5. From the LPU twitter (@linkinpark)


    "Holy exclusiveness! 2 brand new LPUTV episodes added to LPUnderground.com. They're even more exciting than the Lost finale."



  6. dang unicorn slot machines took all my money.

    it's been way too long since i've had a lollipop.

    I actually got over $942564385 from one of those.

    I had a lollipop the other day....no the other week, no last month.

  7. From MS.com


    While writing some silly responses to peoples question, Mike actually answered one of the questions seriously. This is what he had to say,


    "I’m doing some test mixes of some songs, to see what they might sound like finished, and to see if the guys like my mixes. It’s called a shootout. For those unfamiliar with mixing, look here. Our engineer Ethan and I are teaming up to mix some stuff, and a couple other mixers are mixing the same songs. We’ll put all the mixes together on a CD–with no names–and see which mixes the band likes best, just based on the sound. It’ll be really funny if I pick someone else’s mix."



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